This Beautiful Early-Blooming Flower Is A Must For Your Spring Garden

Are you looking for beautiful flowers you can plant in your spring garden that will provide lovely color throughout the season? With so many gorgeous spring flowers and plants, it can be hard to decide what to plant in your garden. Candytuft, or Iberis sempervirens, is perfect for spring gardens. Native to the Mediterranean, this lovely plant has vibrant flowers that will bloom in your garden in springtime and early summer. In addition, it tends to attract lots of butterflies and other pollinators. With its showy white, pink, or purple flowers, ​​candytuft is sure to add some major curb appeal to your home.

Candytuft is a perennial, which means that it will come back every year. This plant is easy to care for and doesn't require a ton of maintenance, other than routine pruning to remove dead flowers and encourage new ones. Unlike many other spring flowers, candytuft is also relatively resistant to pests and diseases. There are a variety of different types of candytuft, including purity, which has white flowers, and pink ice, which is a spring garden favorite with lovely pink flowers. Because of their striking white blooms, many candytuft varieties are perfect for a moon garden. The flowers of this plant reflect beautifully under the moon.

How to plant and care for candytuft

First, make sure candytuft is ideal for your area. This perennial suits a variety of landscapes and is hardy in USDA zones 3 through 9. The USDA website lists the specific hardiness zones by zip code. Candytuft prefers dry air and does not do well in areas that have high humidity. After it has matured, this perennial can go several weeks between waterings, which makes it perfect for the xeriscaping gardening trend

To grow candytuft, you'll want to start it from seeds indoors. Plant the seeds in small containers about ¼ inch deep. Place the pots in a sunny spot near the window. The seeds should germinate in about 16 days. Continually moisten the soil with a spray bottle of water. Once the seeds have germinated and the candytuft has sprouted, decide where you want to plant it.

Choose a spot with well-drained soil. It is best to plant candytuft in full sunlight unless you live in zones 8 or 9. In that case, you should plant candytuft in partial sunlight so it gets some shade during the hot afternoon. Place your seedlings approximately 10 inches apart in the soil. After planting it in your spring garden, you'll want to water your candytuft thoroughly until it has reached its full height. In the early spring, fertilize candytuft with a slow-release fertilizer to ensure you get plenty of blooms.