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The Easy DIY Laundry Bombs Pinterest Can't Get Enough Of

If there's one thing we can all collectively agree on, it's the frustrating feeling that comes when you're unprepared for laundry day (luckily, Martha Stewart has some helpful tips). Of course, those dirty t-shirts and stinky cleats from soccer practice have a deadline to be back clean and fresh, so why not have an alternative to back you up? If you're as new to laundry bombs as we are, it's definitely worth the hype. The small concoction of detergent, stain remover, and softener is the answer to all of your detergent-less day blues, and it'll surely get you through an insanely busy laundry schedule without all the extra chemicals.

As you know by now, we absolutely love a good DIY project, especially when it involves hydrogen peroxide, AKA a household staple that we're sure is hiding under your sink as we speak and because many detergents may often rely on potentially harmful surfactants, it's good to search for a healthier alternative.

So, whenever you can, opting for a natural remedy for laundry day will make your life easier for restocks, help save you money, and lead to a healthy body for everyone in your home. Pinterest user @Doreathea Mcwatters linked us to a homemade recipe we're sure everyone will want to use in their laundry bomb concoctions.

Here's the recipe

Of course, you want your laundry bombs to be strong, but safe. In order to do so, grab some hydrogen peroxide, Epsom salts, essential oils, washing soda, and Fels-Naptha. These ingredients are great because they help remove stains without causing additional harm by leaving residue. Please be sure to do your own research on what you may personally be allergic to, so you want to have any surprises come laundry day. Be sure to grab a few measuring cups and spoons, a mixing bowl, parchment paper, a sheet pan, and a grater.

After you've gathered your materials, start by grating the Fels-Naptha, then adding the Epsom salts and washing soda into a mixing bowl. Then add your hydrogen peroxide in and stir. Depending on how many laundry bombs you want to make, your measurements will change. Slowly add in your vinegar, then a few drops of your preferred essential oil or lemon.

Once your mixture is complete, it should look like wet sand. Lay out your sheet pan and line it with parchment paper, then proceed to use a teaspoon to scoop small sections out of the bowl. Lay them out and spritz with a bit of vinegar and water. Once they've sat for about 8 hours, they're ready to use. A rule of thumb is that one round usually can clean two small loads, and two should be used for larger loads.

Other ways to make homemade laundry bombs

Though this method is a great starting point for anyone new to the laundry bomb scene, know that this can be a playground for originality for your next wash day. We went to everyone's favorite platform for DIY inspiration: TikTok.

TikTok user, @omabelle, promises the whitest whites with this recipe containing baking soda, laundry powder, liquid bluing, and hydrogen peroxide. Like the above method, this still requires your laundry bombs to sit out for some time before use. Feel free to freeze them to ensure they are ready for use. Great for linen, white bedding and towels, this user really made this her own by using a heart-shaped ice tray to store her laundry bombs. With this technique, she claims the bluing is essential to maintaining the bright white tones.

Another creator has a great method for those of us who may want to finish their bag of detergent (or simply prefer to keep using it), but want to try laundry bombs for themselves. TikTok user, @ericalorixo, recommends starting with Tide, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, dish soap, and your storage tray of choice. If you're wanting an array of options, this Amazon tray set features a ton of different molds. Simply add your materials to a bowl (with a few sprinkles of your preferred essential oil), and mix with gloves. Once you've filled your mold trays, just add water to get the whitest of whites out of your next laundry load.
