Skip Traditional Glass-Paneled Cabinets And Try This Trendy Alternative Instead

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Are you focused on choosing the right cabinet style for your space? The glass-paneled look is super elegant, especially in modern and sleek black-and-white kitchens and other rooms. However, it's crucial to think with a pragmatic mindset before you let all the beautiful examples of glass-paneled cabinets you see online or on social media tempt you into committing to that style. While that see-through look is contemporary and classy, it won't be ideal for people who tend to let the insides of their cabinets get a little messy or unorganized, as the glass puts everything on display for guests. In other words, glass doors will never hide your mess, so if you opt for the glass-paneled look, you'll always have to ensure the insides of the cabinets look perfect if you want them to appear attractive from the outside.

Does that information make you want an alternative option? "With glass, everything lining the cabinet shelves needs to be just so because you can see straight through. But with metal grates, you don't have to worry about packaging your essentials in a pretty way since you can only get a peek inside," said Carisha Swanson, the director of editorial special projects for House Beautiful. So, consider metal grate cabinets as a lower-pressure option.

Check out these metal grate cabinets

Before researching everything you need to know about installing cabinets, explore various metal grate cabinet options to pick the best choice for your space. One striking product is the Novogratz Channing two-door accent cabinet mesh metal locker, available for just over $180 at Target. The product offers a subtle look into what's inside without 100% transparency, providing leeway for managing the items within ... unlike a glass-paneled door.

Do you want a taller option, providing more room for storage? Check out the Wade Logan aprel steel accent cabinet, selling for slightly above $365 at Wayfair. The sleek, rectangular semi-see-through cabinets are very well-liked by reviewers, and while some customers found the assembly challenging, many people love the contemporary look.

If you want something even more unique, look at the blue metal and mesh door cabinet that you can purchase for around $250 at Bed Bath & Beyond. Not only does the eye-catching blue hue help this piece stand out, but the way the grating is designed is unique. Rather than having the mesh look for the whole doors, the doors have circles, so the rest of it is still opaque for excellent balance.

DIY the look with metal sheets

Are you hoping to potentially DIY to save money when updating your cabinets? Home decor TikTok user @reneehomeinspirations posted a video DIYing cabinet doors for a bar area with metal sheets. The TikTok user spray painted the metal sheet black for an edgier vibe and added it to the cabinet doors for that stylish and industrial metal grate look. If you decide to go this route, remember that you don't have to spray paint the metal sheet black — you should choose any hue you think will complement the space. Also, this look isn't only for bars, so add it to any space in your home that you want.

There are many grated metal sheets to choose from, such as the anodized aluminum decorative sheet metal available for under $30 at Lowe's. Or, check out M-D Building Products cloverleaf aluminum sheet for a more playful look, selling for about $50 at Home Depot. Meanwhile, an industrial-looking option is the Steelworks aluminum decorative sheet metal, which you can purchase for less than $50 at Lowe's.
