The Unexpected Place In Your Bathroom Where You Should Be Using Baby Oil

It can be difficult to get rid of stubborn bathroom odors because they are typically a recurring problem. This is no surprise, given that a bathroom is one of the most frequently used areas of a home. They are often moist and humid due to daily showers and baths can be a breeding ground for odor-causing bacteria. The space around a toilet can be a major source of unpleasant odors because those hard-to-reach crevices and corners can be difficult to clean thoroughly. Smells can linger even after a bathroom is deep cleaned, but baby oil is an often overlooked solution to this problem. Simply apply baby oil to the center of your toilet paper roll to leave your bathroom smelling great all day.


YouTube channel Andrea Jean Cleaning shared how to use this method to freshen up a bathroom. As discussed in the video, baby oil is a lighter alternative to those strong air fresheners typically used in a bathroom. This an excellent option for those who are sensitive to strong smells but still want to leave their bathrooms smelling nice. The next time you deep clean your bathroom, consider applying baby oil to your toilet paper roll to combat those odors that may linger around your toilet after use.

How to make your baby oil-scented toilet paper roll more effective

As shown in the video, this method is as simple as applying a small amount of baby oil to the inside of your toilet paper roll so that the scent fills the area around your toilet. This fragrance only lasts about a day, so keep in mind that you will need to reapply it. Although this baby oil hack will keep your bathroom smelling fresh (if used properly), it will not be all that effective if you miss those often neglected spots that emit odor in the first place.


Luckily, the video provides a few tips on how to properly clean the hard-to-reach areas around your toilet. Two places you may not think about are your toilet tank and the base of your toilet. If the area around the bottom of your toilet is not sealed correctly, it can leak unpleasant-smelling sewer grass. Unfortunately, you will need to contact a professional to resolve this issue.

As for your toilet tank, you can empty it and clean it by pouring vinegar inside and allowing it to break down mineral build-up. After the mineral build-up has loosened, drain the vinegar, scrub the inside of the toilet with a toilet brush, flush the tank once again with water, and resume normal use. If you are curious about how to drain your tank, know that you should research how to empty your specific toilet model.


Do not forget those neglected areas around your toilet

Along with the base of your toilet and your toilet tank, there are a few other places you might forget to clean. The crease between where your toilet tank meets your toilet is a common source of foul odors as it is difficult to clean. In the video, you can see that a butter knife wrapped with a disinfectant wipe fits right between the space to scrub the grime away. You may also opt to use an old toothbrush or a straw cleaning brush to reach this spot.


Toilet hinges can also harbor odor, so do not forget to scrub all around them with an old toothbrush and your preferred cleaning solution to remove grime. The toilet handle is yet another neglected component, but you can easily clean these with a cotton swab or toothbrush as well. Finally, make sure to clean behind your toilet thoroughly. These deep-cleaning tips will help minimize bad bathroom odors, allowing the clever baby oil trick to work its magic.

