Why You Might Want To Think Twice About Using Dolomite Countertops In Your Home

There are a lot of kitchen countertop material options to choose from these days. Although marble, granite, quartz, and laminate are still some of the most popular options, there are some other great contenders. An intriguing option that's a bit less popular is dolomite. Many homeowners prefer to keep a gray-and-white aesthetic in their homes, and like marble, dolomite fits this approach perfectly. 


Dolomite can be a suitable option for the kitchen and has a lot of advantages. The material looks great and allows you to get the marble look for less investment. It's somewhat resistant to pressure, staining, and heat compared to other popular options and is known to last for a very long time if it's taken care of properly. Despite this, you may want to think twice about choosing dolomite countertops for your home. The material has some big disadvantages, including its lack of durability and maintenance requirements.

Dolomite is soft and vulnerable to damage

Although it's more durable than marble, dolomite is a soft material and is more prone to scratching than stronger materials like quartz and granite. If you're too rough on these countertops, then you could cause damage relatively easily. The material is also fairly porous, so staining can be a significant issue as well. Also, keep in mind that you'll need to maintain the countertops regularly to keep them in good shape. Although the cost of purchasing them initially is low compared to marble and granite, the budget to maintain them will cost you as time goes on. Because they're porous, you'll need to seal dolomite countertops periodically to prevent damage. Another drawback to dolomite is that it's a natural stone, so the color variety is limited. Compared to other countertop options, you may not have as many options to choose from when designing your kitchen.


Comparing dolomite with other countertop materials

Because they look so similar, a kitchen countertop decision often comes down to choosing between marble and dolomite. But which one is best for you? While dolomite has a subtler appearance, marble is a bit bolder. On the other hand, dolomite is more durable than marble, even though it's still weaker than other common countertop materials such as granite. Dolomite is also a bit more affordable than marble, but the maintenance requirements of these two materials are very similar. 


Your decision will likely come down to whether you prefer the more striking look that different types of marble countertops provide or the increased durability and affordability of dolomite. If durability is your key consideration, however, dolomite is far from the best choice and you may want to opt for quartz or granite instead. Despite this, if you love the look of dolomite countertops and you're willing to maintain them well, they could be worth the extra effort.

