Getting Rid Of Sugar Ants Is Easy Once You Know To Look Here

It's not uncommon to find ants around the home. Like other pests, they seek to find food wherever they can. If you have sugar ants, you may find them congregating in your kitchen. Finding their hiding spots is the first step to obliterating them, and though it may seem unlikely, they often hide in garbage disposals. But with a few practical measures, you can get rid of sugar ants.


Sugar ants aren't a specific type of ant, but rather are a broad term often used to describe any small ant species attracted to sugary substances. They typically are tiny and their color changes from species to species, but they are often black, brown, orange, or reddish-brown. Their antennae have a bent appearance which makes them easy to identify. Though small, they can be quite a nuisance as they contaminate food and leave trails while foraging. Some species can also nest indoors, whether this is inside your garbage disposal or even around your pipes.

Why sugar ants are drawn to garbage disposals

For sugar ants, a garbage disposal is a dream. Food particles trapped in the disposal, even after grinding, can serve as a tasty meal for these pests. Besides food, tiny bits of sugary substances like juice, fruit residue, or syrup that are in the disposal can readily attract them. Of course, garbage disposals are also typically wet. Since they naturally retain moisture, they create a humid environment that attracts ants, as they serve as a steady water supply for the insects and provide an ideal environment for breeding. In your garbage disposal, they also have a comfortable, warm place to hide since the grinding process generates some heat, making the disposal slightly warmer than other areas in the kitchen. It is this mix of food scraps, moisture, and warmth that make them so desirable to sugar ants.


The best way to deal with sugar ants is to avoid getting them in the first place, so it helps to be proactive. Take preventative measures before they set up camp in your disposal. An easy way to clean your garbage disposal is to regularly rinse it with hot water after use to remove food scraps and minimize buildup, or add ice cubes topped with vinegar and then run your disposal. Also, use a commercial cleaner periodically to break down trapped particles and eliminate odors. It's also important to inspect for and seal any gaps around the disposal and pipes to block ant entry.

Getting rid of sugar ants in your disposal

There are a few different relatively simple ways to get rid of ants in your kitchen and clear out a garbage disposal that has sugar ants. First, while the disposal is off, pour boiling water down the drain to kill any existing ants and larvae. Then repeat the process every few days for a week. Alternatively, you can pour bleach down the sink every few days. You can also try to use citrus peels. Simply, place lemon or orange peels in the disposal and grind them. Ants also don't like peppermint, black pepper, thyme, and vinegar.


However, if after trying these remedies, your sugar ant problem persists, consider adding ant baits. Place them near the disposal to attract and eliminate the colony. You can also sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth around the base. This powder dehydrates and kills ants on contact. If the infestation persists or you're uncomfortable tackling it yourself, consult professional pest control.

