Why You Should Attach A Safety Pin To Your Dryer Balls

There's no doubt that it's super satisfying to get a load of clean washing fresh out of the dryer, but less satisfying is the dreaded static cling that often occurs. If you have ever gotten a series of small shocks from trying to peel clothing items apart, you might want to consider attaching a safety pin to your wool dryer balls. Though dryer balls do reduce static cling by themselves, adding a safety pin to the mix could be even more beneficial. 


Wool dryer balls, if you don't already use them, are a great alternative to fabric softener and dryer sheets. Able to be reused over and over again, they have many benefits in addition to reducing static, including leaving your clothes feeling super soft. They are also thought to potentially reduce drying times due to wool absorbing moisture well, meaning your clothes might dry faster. When you add the aforementioned safety pins into the mix, though, you'll not only reap the benefits of dryer balls, but also reduce the likelihood of getting clothes out of the dryer that are fizzling with static.

Get rid of the dreaded static cling with this simple laundry routine addition

The next time you go to put clothes in the machine, attach a safety pin to each dryer ball and then continue with your usual cycle. Your clothes should come out clean and dry without the hassle of static. The way this nifty trick works is that the metal construction of the safety pins will peel apart the electrons sticking to the clothes and redistribute them. This shakes off the charge the electrons carry that causes static. 


We recommend attaching a safety pin to each dryer ball you use for a more effective outcome. If you overload your dryer, it's unlikely that you'll notice a big difference with this hack. Additionally, if you're drying clothes made from particularly static-prone materials like polyester and nylon, this hack may not work as well compared to if you are drying clothes made from a less staticky material like 100% cotton.

This safety pin hack is effective and simple, but there are some things you should know

An important thing to note is that this hack will make noise due to the safety pin clinking against the drum of the dryer. Because of this, it's best to try it out when everyone is awake or out of the house. It's also a good idea to check your dryer consistently during a cycle. Smaller items tend to dry faster than larger ones, and not taking these smaller pieces out when they're already dry can create extra static. 


Another thing to know is that, while attaching a safety pin to your dryer balls isn't unsafe, it could cause a small amount of damage to your dryer over time. Any amount of metal (for example, metal clasps on overalls) has the potential to scrape against the drum and leave behind scratches. If you're worried about this, try this hack when drying larger loads — more clothes means the metal is less likely to directly scratch the drum (though be careful not to overload the machine).

