Think Twice Before Boiling Water To Heat Up Your Home During Winter. Here's Why

On the surface, boiling water is a useful and cheap way to heat your home. Not only will the room feel warmer without you incurring a large expense, but you can also use the water to make a cup of tea or coffee when the water has cooled slightly. However, it can be extremely dangerous to boil water for a long time if you're using a gas burner. While the idea of using hot water to heat a room sounds ingenious, the dangers outweigh the benefits.

The way this heating hack works is that any hot air produced by boiling water will fill a room, which is why you can feel warm when cooking something on the stove. While it's okay to boil water on the stove to cook some vegetables or make a drink, keeping the gas on for a long amount of time can cause carbon monoxide levels to grow to a dangerous level. The consequences of carbon monoxide reaching dangerous levels can be severe, so it's important to be fully aware of when and why it might happen.

By being unaware of the risks, you could be exposing yourself to harm

Known as the silent killer, carbon monoxide is produced when you burn fuel, which happens when you turn your gas stove on. It does not produce a smell and is also not visible to the naked eye, meaning you won't be aware if it is being produced. Because of this, it's better to be safe than sorry and avoid boiling water on the stove for an extended period of time. Side effects of carbon monoxide poisoning include headaches, dizziness, nausea, weakness, and general confusion. 

If you do decide to boil water on a gas burner and feel any of these symptoms, immediately turn the stove off, open all windows, and leave the room. If you want to heat up water to make a drink, it's better to use the microwave to do this. Additional methods of keeping a room warm and safe include ensuring your doors and windows are sealed well and always keeping the door shut. Investing in a carbon monoxide sensor can also help to keep you safe.
