Let The Sun Shine Into Your Home With This Unique Curtain Pool Noodle Hack

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There are plenty of unusual ways to decorate with curtains, but tiebacks are rarely discussed. Since the majority of tiebacks attach to hooks and are screwed into walls, they're not ideal for every home, especially rentals. There are also instances where tieback hooks won't work, such as on corner windows with limited wall space. Luckily, you can use a piece of a pool noodle in place of traditional curtain tiebacks, letting the sun filter into your home. Good lighting is essential for every room in your home, and you'll love the natural light these tiebacks offer. Not only is this DIY hack fast and affordable, but you can customize it to match any home decor. 

Although you can purchase magnetic tiebacks that don't need any drilling into walls, the magnets might not be strong enough if you have thick curtains. But you can manipulate a foam noodle to fit a variety of fabrics. Even better, you can jazz up your foam tiebacks with a variety of crafting materials, creating a custom addition to your curtains. Here's how. 

Cut your pool noodle into strips

Since you only need a thin strip of foam for this hack, one pool noodle should be more than enough to create multiple curtain tiebacks. The Dollar Tree sells pool noodles for $1.25, measuring 54 inches in length. Since each tieback is approximately 2 inches long, you'll have more than enough material for 27 tiebacks. Just be sure to purchase hollow pool noodles, or this hack won't work. You should also be mindful of the cutting tool you use, as you'll be making multiple cuts across the foam. One of your best options is a serrated knife, cutting your pool noodle lengthwise in 2-inch strips. After you make your cuts, you'll have foam rings. Simply snip one piece of the ring, allowing it to separate. Bunch your curtain and add your DIY tieback.

The drawback with this hack is that pool noodles aren't decorative as-is. If you're not worried about aesthetics, then there's nothing more to do with this hack. But if you want to jazz up your new tiebacks, consider grabbing some rubber adhesive and decorating them. You could add rhinestones for some glitz and glam, choosing a color that matches your curtains. You can find strands of rhinestones in every color of the rainbow, such as this option on Amazon for $8.60. If you prefer something simpler, consider painting your foam tiebacks, working with water or latex-based paints. Just be sure the paint dries thoroughly before attaching them to your curtains. 
