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The Big Mistake Homeowners Make When Trying To Get Rid Of Moles

Somewhere in the distance, you spot it: The dreaded mole hole. It juts out like a sore thumb. After weeks of trying to get them to move, the moles remain defiantly in the same spot. However, as it turns out, one simple mistake you're making could be the reason why these agile creatures keep returning for more. The error? If your deterrent involves getting the mole to approach it, not wearing surgical gloves during the preparation process might be causing your issue.  

While it may seem bizarre, skipping this part of the process could be why you're still suffering a mole-hole-filled nightmare. Understandably, this can be frustrating, especially if it goes on for months. If you don't have some already, you can buy a pack of gloves from Amazon for just $5.99, or just use some of your old gloves if you have some, but just make sure they're clean and not filthy. 

Moles identify scents very easily

Moles can identify scents very easily, which means that if you don't wear gloves while installing your deterrents, moles are much more likely to pick up on the human odor that you leave near their tunnels. This will ward them off, which makes it more challenging for you to solve the issue. By wearing surgical gloves, you'll help to mask your scent when deploying any deterrents in your yard. In theory, this will make it easier for you to finally catch them and take care of mole holes.

Once you have gloves, double-check the guidelines for whatever product you opt for. While lethal traps are an option, they are considered by many to be inhumane and their use is outlawed in both D.C. and in Washington State, so we strongly encourage using kinder methods such as catch-and-release traps, or ultrasonic repellents which you can grab off Amazon for $26.90. If you're really struggling, you may need to call for professional help. But before you get too desperate to eliminate moles from your backyard, remember that their burrowing can help move oxygen and carbon dioxide into your soil, which helps keep it in good condition. You certainly don't want moles digging up your garden, but if they're moving dirt around on a different part of your property, you might want to let the moles do their thing for a while.
