Why You'll Want To Think Twice Before Pairing Gardenias With Roses

Gardenias and roses are both beautiful flowering shrubs that will enhance the look of your garden and produce lovely fragrances, and it might seem like a good idea to pair them as companion plants. While roses and gardenias would certainly look gorgeous side by side, they have different needs regarding the type of soil they're planted in, the amount of sunlight they get, and how much water they receive. Because of this, it could be difficult to keep both plants as healthy as possible and produce the most blooms when they're paired together.


Additionally, since both gardenias and roses have such strong floral scents, having them next to each other could make for an overwhelming aroma. If you love to come outside and smell your flowers, it might be better to plant roses and gardenias separately, allowing you to appreciate their different scents. Gardenias may also become much taller than your roses, depending on the varieties you plant.

Sunlight and water needs for gardenias versus roses

In many places, roses do best when they receive full sunlight throughout the day, though in some hotter areas they may need some shade in the afternoon. While roses can handle having just five to six hours of sunlight, they likely won't bloom as well. On the other hand, the best spot to plant gardenias is somewhere that's shaded on hot summer afternoons, unless they're grown in a cool climate. When they receive too much sunlight, gardenia flowers can wither. If you plant roses and gardenias together, it could be hard to ensure they are both getting the correct amount of sunlight to thrive.


Though these plants have similar watering needs, roses tend to require a little more water. Gardenias need at least an inch of water per week, while roses should have the same amount a few times a week. You could simply give more water to the area with your roses, but the plants' differences in soil preference are another reason to think twice about pairing them.

Best soil types for gardenias and roses

While gardenias love soil that's more acidic, between a pH level of 5 and 6, roses prefer their soil to be a little higher on the pH scale, around 6.5. Both of the plants could grow and blossom in a slightly acidic soil, but they also prefer different types of dirt. While roses do best in loose soil with loam, gardenias prefer an organically rich dirt. Gardenias and roses are capable of growing as companions, but it is likely that one plant would do better than the other because of their different needs with soil, sunlight, and water.


Instead of struggling to care for paired roses and gardenias, you might want to consider finding better companion plants that will still nicely complement your flowers. Azaleas and rhododendrons are great to pair with gardenias because they also like acidic soil, and primroses are also a wonderful companion as they also enjoy partial shade. When paired with lavender, purple catmint, and dianthus, the roses growing in your garden will flourish. 

