Save Big On A Stunning Wooden Headboard With TikTok's Creative DIY

Creating a DIY headboard can be easy if you know how to do it. For instance, you might want to try putting together one made of wood paneling from TikTok user @brii.macdonald. Not only is it wonderfully stylish, but it will also help you save a considerable amount of money. Indeed, when @brii.macdonald's sister came to her for approval on a pre-made piece that she had come across online, the social media user balked at the idea of paying over $560. Instead, she spent a grand total of $80 on her DIY version. That's obviously quite a difference!

If that has piqued your interest and you'd like to try out this DIY project for yourself, then you simply need to start with a few wooden panels — @brii.macdonald points out that she used pine. In the video, she then cuts them to just the right size and lays them down together in the same way she wants them to sit against the wall when the headboard is done. Next, she drills support beams onto the back of the main boards to keep them in place. Finally, she stains the entire front of the piece to create the sleek dark walnut look she's aiming to achieve. Once it dries, it can be set up behind a bed and enjoyed. You can do the same with just a few key items.

What you need for your DIY wooden headboard

To complete this clever and stylish bedroom project from TikTok's @brii.macdonald, you'll need a few simple yet totally necessary items. For instance, you need wood panels, stain in the color and finish of your choice, and screws to put it all together. If you're wondering if @brii.macdonald's budget is accurate, then you can rest assured that it's totally possible to create your own DIY wood panel headboard for around $80.

To break it down, you can start with the wood panels. For instance, 1 in. x 4 in. x 8 ft. Premium Kiln-Dried Square Edge Whitewood Common Board can be found at Home Depot for $8.87 each. In the video from @brii.macdonald, she uses eight boards which equals $70.96. On top of that, there is the Varathane 8 oz. Special Walnut Classic Wood Interior Stain which costs $7.98. That brings you to $78.94 and leaves you with just enough to purchase a couple of support beams and screws to hold the entire thing together. Once you have these items, then you can get started on your own DIY wooden headboard of your dreams.

Of course, if you want to customize the piece in a way that suits you and your bedroom, then there are a few options that you can consider. That might be a different color of stain or using paint instead. You could also position the boards vertically or add adornments. Let your imagination run wild!
