The Clever Way You Should Be Using Mesh Produce Bags In The Bathroom

Everyone has stood in the shower with a sliver of soap in hand, only for the sliver to suddenly slip out of their grasp, land in the water, and wash down the drain. It's frustrating, wasteful, and can be costly over time. However, a simple mesh produce bag can be an easy solution that not only reduces soap waste but can also provide an easy and gentle way to exfoliate your skin.

Soap waste is a common problem in many households. Small shards can pile up in the shower, and since no one wants to use them, people simply grab a new bar every time the old one wears down. Using mesh produce bags (particularly those used for garlic) to store soap slivers offers a couple of advantages. First, it can prevent waste by ensuring every last bit of soap is used. By keeping the pieces of soap together, you won't have to throw them away or let them slip down the drain.

Additionally, mesh bags are easy to clean and dry, making them perfect for the bathroom. The durable material is designed to withstand water and soap, ensuring that the bag will remain usable for a long time.

How to use mesh bags for soap

Mesh produce bags are designed to breathe, allowing airflow and preventing moisture buildup. This makes them ideal for storing small slivers of soap. Simply place however many soap slivers you have in the mesh bag, and tie the top with a small knot. The mesh allows water to pass through, making it easy to rinse the soap (and bag) clean after each use. The bag can be hung from a hook or placed on a soap dish, keeping it dry and out of the way.

You can even use the soap during your shower while it's still in the bag. The mesh material is gentle on the skin but abrasive enough to work as an exfoliator. Simply wet the bag and use it to scrub your skin. The mesh can help remove dead skin cells and leave your skin feeling smooth and refreshed. Using the mesh in this way is cost-effective, too, not only for saving the small bits of soap you would normally throw away, but also for saving the expense of buying an exfoliator.

Recycle your soap

Some people might not want to use the soap shards in the shower while they're still in the mesh bag. For example, someone might have sensitive or dry skin and doesn't want the mesh rubbing against it. Others prefer a robust lather and find that the mesh can't create the amount of lather they seek.

Luckily, there are always alternate ways to creatively repurpose old or unwanted items such as mesh bags. One option is to use mesh bags to store leftover soap pieces until they dry out completely, and then turn your soap slivers into a brand-new bar. Rather than discarding your mostly used bars of soap, store them until you've acquired quite a few. Once you have five to 10 leftover pieces, it's time to combine them.

Make sure each soap piece is thoroughly dry, which they should be if you've been storing them in mesh bags. Then, use a cheese grater to grate the soap over a large bowl. After all the pieces are grated, add them to a small saucepan over low heat. Add a teaspoon of water for every 10 grams of soap. Stir for just one to two minutes, as they will melt quickly, and then pour the mixture into a soap mold. If you don't have one of these, you can use a small, cupcake-sized glass bowl. Allow it to dry overnight or stick it in the freezer until it's hardened.