The Best Place To Put A Peace Lily To Fight Indoor Mold

Certain places in your home are naturally more likely to develop mold. For example, kitchens and bathrooms are more prone to mold spores due to their elevated moisture levels. In kitchens, cooking activities and dishwashing contribute to increased humidity. Poor ventilation exacerbates the issue by trapping moisture. Additionally, food particles and organic debris provide a nutrient source for mold. Bathrooms, with frequent water use and steam from showers, experience high humidity levels, leading to mold growth on surfaces like walls, ceilings, and grout. The CDC recommends that regular cleaning, proper ventilation, and moisture control are essential preventive measures in these areas to mitigate the risk of mold development. Additionally, placing a peace lily in a bright spot in these rooms can also help clean mold in the air.


Reducing mold spores in the home is crucial as they cause health issues, including respiratory problems, allergies, and irritation of the eyes and skin. Certain molds produce mycotoxins that pose additional health risks, such as immune system complications and even cancer. Mold can also compromise the structural integrity of buildings by damaging materials over time. Moreover, it negatively impacts indoor air quality, contributing to an unhealthy living environment. So, in addition to remedying humidity and ventilation issues, placing a peace lily in your kitchen and bathroom is a natural and beautiful way to reduce mold in your home.

How peace lilies reduce mold spores

According to the Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, peace lilies are renowned for their air-purifying capabilities, which include the removal of mold spores from the air. This tropical plant achieves this through a combination of physiological and biochemical processes. Peace lilies primarily combat mold spores by absorbing airborne contaminants through their leaves. Even NASA notes that the large surface area of the leaves provides ample opportunity for the plant to trap particulate matter, effectively removing them from the air. The plant's unique structure, with numerous stomata on the leaves, enhances its capacity to uptake these airborne particles.


Moreover, peace lilies are adept at reducing humidity levels in their immediate surroundings. Mold spores thrive in damp environments, and peace lilies contribute to a drier atmosphere by absorbing excess moisture through their leaves. This decrease in humidity creates an inhospitable environment for mold growth, hindering the development and proliferation of spores in the indoor space.

In addition to their physical actions, the Society for Promotion of Horticulture notes that peace lilies possess the ability to break down and neutralize certain airborne chemicals, including those emitted by mold spores. The plant's biochemical processes, such as phytoremediation, involve transforming pollutants into less harmful substances. While not all molds produce harmful mycotoxins, peace lilies contribute to a healthier indoor environment by reducing the potential risks associated with mold exposure.


Tips to help your peace lily thrive so you can too

Maintaining a healthy indoor peace lily plant contributes to its ability to both beautify your space and purify your air. Notably, watering is crucial for peace lilies, but they are sensitive to both overwatering and underwatering. Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Miracle-Gro recommends allowing the top inch of soil to dry before watering again, adjusting frequency based on factors like humidity and light conditions. Ensure proper drainage to prevent water accumulation, which can lead to root rot. Maintain a consistent room temperature during the day between 68 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit and protect the plant from drafts.


In addition to a reliable watering schedule, peace lilies thrive in bright indirect light. While they can tolerate low-light conditions, they will flourish in east-facing windows with soft, morning lighting. Direct sunlight should be avoided, as it can scorch the leaves. Adequate light is essential for their photosynthesis and overall well-being. If the leaves start browning at the tips, it may indicate too much light, and you may need to move your plant or filter the light with curtains or shades.

Finally, the Old Farmer's Almanac believes fertilization for peace lilies should be done moderately. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half-strength during the growing season every six weeks. Reduce or eliminate fertilization in the fall and winter when the plant is in a dormant phase. Always follow the recommended dosage to avoid over-fertilization.


