Turn Your Bedroom Into A Cozy Paradise With Inspiration From Hilary Farr's Own Home

A bedroom should serve as a sanctuary for rest and rejuvenation. When you're able to create this, you give yourself a private retreat that you can always escape to and come out feeling refreshed. Set it up to be cozy and nurturing, with hints of luxury, and you'll quickly have a mini paradise of your own. The main bedroom in Hilary Farr's North Carolina home shows us how far color, décor, and layout go in designing a serene space.

HGTV's Hilary Farr is a pro at creating a specific atmosphere, and her home is no different. The main bedroom has a very relaxed feel with curtains in a casual pattern, French doors that reveal a beautiful view, beige bedding with a linen-like appearance, and a simple, cozy armchair in the corner. In the bathroom, she has marble-look porcelain tiles on the walls and floor, a round tub, and mood lighting. The guest bedroom also feels like the spa room at a retreat with natural whites, greens, and browns, and a nice window that catches the view. All these elements work together to make you feel like you're on a getaway.

Color and décor

As mentioned, you can decorate your bedroom like Hilary Farr's by paying attention to color, décor, and layout. Color schemes play a big role in setting the feeling of a room. The bedding is in a light, neutral color, the flooring is light hardwood, and the walls are soft white. The rug, chair, and lamp are also in neutral colors, everything working in harmony to foster tranquility in the space.

In one episode of "Tough Love With Hilary Farr," she chose another light color to achieve a soothing effect in the bedroom. She decided to change the shade of blue used on the walls to a much lighter one, and it softened the atmosphere significantly. "This room is all about being calm. Note the walls. They're blue. And blue, with color therapy, is one of the best colors to have in a bedroom," she says to the clients (via Realtor.com). Natural, soft colors will always be your friend when designing your bedroom, so it feels like paradise.

Layout and planning

In terms of layout, it involves approaching spacing and organizing in a way that maximizes the experience you have in the room. This can be as small as rearranging furniture to enjoy your window view better, or as big as knocking down a wall. In the renovation, Hilary Farr turned the normal windows into French doors to open up the wall to create a bigger view, especially from the bed which faces that wall. 

Being able to see more of the greenery makes her space feel like a tropical paradise, so try and maximize any natural views you have in yours. You can also bring nature indoors with plants, flowers, and other natural objects like shells and branches. Hilary Farr also took some space from the bedroom to make the bathroom more spacious. Making your bathroom feel bright and airy goes a long way in maintaining the paradise atmosphere because it feels like you've walked out of your tropical resort room and stepped into the spa.