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Cinnamon Vs Traditional Pest Repellent Products: Which Is Really More Effective?

Finding effective ways to not only eliminate pests in our homes but also keep them from returning can be a challenge. There are so many different remedies and solutions when it comes to pest control, yet it can often be a hit or miss on whether they will be productive treatments. Two commonly used methods are cinnamon home remedies and traditional pest repellents that can be bought off a store shelf. While both cinnamon and conventional repellents will produce fruitful results, you may be wondering which one works best. Traditional pest repellents are more potent in killing the pests they come into contact with. The best choice for you, however, depends on a number of factors including your budget, the size of the infestation, if you are hoping just to repel pests or also kill them, and how the treatment will affect other living things in the vicinity.

Cinnamon is an affordable and accessible DIY pest repellant that won't have harmful side effects on humans or pets and will work exceptionally well at keeping insects out of the home and away from your pantry. However, traditional repellents, in addition to potentially being able to permanently eliminate pests, will be quicker to apply and last longer between applications. The chemicals used in these pesticides are frowned upon by some, but you can find healthier and plant-based options if you're searching in the right places.

Using cinnamon for pest control

Cinnamon is a natural pest repellant that keeps unwanted visitors from areas of your home. The spice has many uses, from cooking to cleaning to medicinal purposes. But its various chemicals and pungent smell come into play when repelling pests. Whether dealing with minor infestations of ants and fruit flies or larger insects like spiders and cockroaches, cinnamon can successfully remove them. The smell may be a welcoming aroma to humans, but it's foul to bugs and interferes with their pheromones, which help them communicate with other insects for mating, assembling, and labor purposes.

You can disperse cinnamon around the home through powder, oils, sticks, and candles. Using cinnamon powder will be easy: placing open containers in areas you hope to repel pests or sprinkling into nests and webs. Cinnamon sticks can be burned like incense or candles, letting the smell waft into surrounding areas; or like powder, you can set the sticks where needed or near entering points like window sills and door frames. Candles will work great to keep away mosquitos, ants, and wasps when burned in outdoor areas, and mixing some cinnamon oil with water will create an effective spray for any desired places. While you'll find cinnamon does a great job repelling pests, it's important to note that it likely won't kill them. This fact can make it harder to eliminate larger infestations that have taken root or cause pests to wander to other areas where the spice hasn't been applied.

Traditional pest control

Traditional pest repellents are pesticides, using chemicals to not only keep pests away but also kill them when they come into contact with the solution. These traditional methods are fast-acting and often used for those who have larger infestation issues in their homes. While natural remedies like cinnamon can be used wherever and as you please, chemical pesticides are a bit more complicated. The pesticides you would use in your home will be different from those you'd use in your garden as the concentration and the chemicals used will be different. When using traditional pest repellents, it's important to read directions carefully and research what you're buying.

The problems with conventional pesticides don't typically revolve around whether or not it's effective but rather how they affect their surroundings. Many will contain chemicals harmful to people, pets, and plant life. But, for some, the risk of hazardous chemicals is worth the effective results. Pesticides like Ortho's Home Defense Insect Barrier can be bought at Lowe's and are quickly accessible, easy to apply, and can last up to a year. Still, you can find eco-friendly options (such as Mighty Mint's Insect and Pest Control on Amazon) that are 100% plant-based. These traditional pest repellants are most effective for those looking for quick results, to both kill and repel, extended periods between application, and for those who don't mind the chemicals. However, cinnamon will be a healthier alternative that's easy to DIY and productive in only repelling the targeted pests.
