Can Cinnamon Really Keep Lizards Out Of The House?

Lizards can be pesky, hard-to-get-rid-of critters that can invade a home and become an annoyance. You don't always need to turn to pesticides and other chemical-based treatments; instead, you likely have a non-toxic repellant sitting in your pantry. Cinnamon can offer a bit of help to you since its strong scent makes it a great, holistic option to handle pests of all types. 

By using a bit of cinnamon in a few key areas of your home, you can keep lizards at bay, which means that you don't have to worry about a surprise in your shoe in the morning or in your pantry. Though lizards are harmless in many situations, many people prefer to do whatever they can to keep them out of their homes. They can also bring in illnesses like salmonella, which can be dangerous to people who are particularly vulnerable with a weakened immune system or a susceptibility to complications.

The key to getting results from cinnamon as a natural pest repellent is to make sure you are proactive, treating your home before any infestation occurs. This method, coupled with other treatment options and preventative strategies, can help minimize the risk of a lizard entering your home. However, while cinnamon can help to keep lizards out of the house, it may not get rid of them effectively when a large infestation is already present.

Why lizards do not like cinnamon

Lizards don't like the scent of cinnamon, and as a result, they will avoid any area where they can smell it. What's particularly interesting about lizards is that they smell with their tongues, and they are very much dependent on that ability to locate a food source. When they quickly lick the air, they are pulling in tiny particles of whatever is present in it. Then, the sensory cells located at the top of their mouth help the animal to make a decision about what to do next. They can use what they "smell" on their tongues to help them move towards food or even to move away from enemies.

Since cinnamon has such a strong scent to it, not to mention a strong, bitter flavor, it works to discourage lizards from approaching that area. Though they are not likely to ingest the cinnamon, high doses of it, especially in an essential oil form, can be harmful to the lizards themselves. Essential oils like this are also dangerous to other animals. However, with a bit of care, it can be safe to use cinnamon as a type of repellent for pests like this.

Because so much of a lizard's day (and life) is spent searching for food or a mate, it's less likely to move toward areas where a strong, pungent scent is located. Instead, it will move on in another direction where it can find what it needs.

How to use cinnamon to repel lizards

The key to getting cinnamon to work as a type of repellent is to treat areas where lizards are likely to come from. Start with using it outside of your home, such as in flowerbeds around the house. Sprinkling ground cinnamon in these areas can work to help deter pests from coming towards the home. However, you'll need to reapply this every time there's rain. You can also place cinnamon sticks around the area, which could last a bit longer.

Another option is to make a cinnamon-based spray that you spray onto the surfaces where you believe lizards will try to enter, such as around doors and window frames and along the base of the home. To make this spray, you simply steep cinnamon in warm water overnight at a ratio of about 2 teaspoons to 4 cups of water. Then, strain it and place it into a spray bottle to apply.

Use the most affordable cinnamon for this type of pest control. You do not have to buy organic products or worry too much about purity. You will likely need to reapply the spray every few weeks. Finally, remember, if lizards are already in your home, you'll want to consider pesticides or treatment from an exterminator to get them out. Then, use cinnamon as a way to prevent lizards from returning to your home. 
