Is Using A Razor Blade To Clean A Burnt Stove Top A Good Idea?

When you have a glass top stove, a simple oversight in timing can often result in burnt marks. While some messes are easy to clean, others can linger and become stuck to the glass. Using a razor blade to clean a burnt stove top can be highly effective, but it should be done with caution and care to avoid damaging the stovetop's surface. 


Part of the reason why burnt marks are so irritating is that they can be very noticeable on a glass top stove, making the stove look dirty and unclean. They can be very stubborn and difficult to remove, even with the use of commercial cleaners. On top of that, they can be a health hazard. Burnt food can contain harmful bacteria, and if not properly cleaned, these bacteria can breed and spread. Also if not properly cleaned, burnt food can trap heat and increase the risk of a fire.

When trying to remove burnt marks, proceed with caution and take your time so you don't scratch the surface of the stove. That can end up making the stove look even worse.

How to use a razor to remove burnt food

While it's important to be careful, not using a razor blade is a big mistake when cleaning a glass stove because it works so well. First, make sure the stove top is completely cool. Never attempt to clean a hot stove top with a razor blade, as you could burn yourself. Wear gloves to protect your hands from cuts. Razor blades are sharp and can easily cut skin.


Remember to use a gentle touch. Apply light pressure when scraping the burnt residue with the razor blade. Too much pressure can scratch the stovetop. Some advise using a plastic razor top instead of a metal one, which has greater potential to scratch the stove's surface. Scrape in a flat, even motion, and don't let the corners of the razor scrape against the glass. Avoid using a circular motion, as this can also scratch the stove top.

Work in small sections. Don't try to clean the entire stove top at once. Take your time and work on one small section at a time. Also, be patient because it may take some time to remove all of the burnt residue. Once finished, rinse the area with water. This will help to remove any loose debris and prevent scratching.


Prevent burnt marks from happening

Of course, the best way to deal with burnt marks on your stove is to prevent getting them in the first place. Start by making sure you are using the correct cookware that is compatible with your glass top stove. Check your manufacturer's manual.


Then, cook at the correct temperature. Don't overheat your pans, as this can cause food to burn. Also, don't overfill your pots and pans. Make sure there is sufficient room in them to avoid overflowing spills. If they do occur, clean up spills immediately. Don't let them sit on the stovetop, as this can cause them to burn.

Finally, clean your stove top regularly, which will also help your stove last longer. Avoid using abrasive cleaners such as steel wool or brushes. Microfiber cloths and soft sponges work best. Regularly cleaning your stove top will help to prevent burnt marks from forming and make them easier to remove if they do happen.

