Use This Household Essential To Eliminate Maggots In An Instant

If you want to gross anyone out, just mention the word maggot and watch them squirm and grimace. While the baby versions of many animals might be cute this isn't the case for maggots, which are baby flies. These disgusting larvae are introduced to our house by their fly mothers who typically lay their eggs among the trash and garbage disposal. It's a stomach-turning sight when the eggs hatch and the maggots creep out. If you are suffering a maggot invasion in your home, then it's rubbing alcohol to the rescue. This household staple is known to be very effective against maggots by breaking down their bodies and killing them on impact.


Harboring maggots can severely reduce the quality of your home life by affecting even the air that you breathe. These worms produce and release ammonia as a defense mechanism against bacteria to ward off any competition for food resources, and ammonia has a terrible smell. Not to mention that the maggots will grow up to be gnats and flies that carry all sorts of harmful pathogens and end up contaminating your food. Getting rid of the maggots in your house should be your top priority, and what better way to do this than to use an available means like rubbing alcohol to wipe them out.

Spray maggot infestations with alcohol solution

Rubbing alcohol is an inexpensive way to deal with an age-old problem like maggots without having to fumigate your house. The idea is to create a diluted solution of rubbing alcohol and apply it directly to the maggots for maximum impact. However, you don't want to make it too diluted so that the alcohol loses its bite.


Mix three parts of water to one part of rubbing alcohol into a spray bottle. Saturate every surface and appliance where you have found maggots or even think they may be prone to. Flies will lay their eggs anywhere there is enough sustenance for their offspring, so each of these places deserves a generous shower of your solution. That includes your garbage cans, underneath your oven, and around and inside sink drains. Make sure you get those dark, damp spots under your kitchen cabinets too where crumbs and other food particles could fall.

Dealing with maggots isn't a life-threatening situation, but you should still strap up safety-wise. It wouldn't hurt to put on a face mask and some gloves while you're uncovering all their hidden spots to spray down. You should avoid coming in direct contact with them to prevent touching your eyes or other sensitive areas with bacteria-laden substances.


