The TikTok Hanger Hack That'll Make Your Closet More Aesthetically Pleasing

If you've been organizing your closet, but something doesn't look quite right, you may be struggling to put your finger on precisely what it is. When it comes to organizing your closet, even the tiniest of details can make or break the look if you want your space to look organized. However, one small tweak, as shown by @aurelie.erikson on TikTok, explains how you can transform your space to create a much more pristine look by using different-size hangers. In particular, kids' sizes. Although it may feel like an unnatural swap, it can actually make a significant impact on how your closest space looks.

Not only is this simple tactic easy to implement, but you can experiment with different-size hangers to achieve the perfect closet. Likewise, you can also use this technique for any clothing items that you feel as though they don't sit correctly. So, how can you replicate this hack? Let's take a dive into your wardrobe.

Make the swap to kids hangers

For this hack, you'll just need your clothes and some kids' hangers. You should be able to grab some online or in a local store. However, how many you use will all depend on the size of your clothing items. If you're unsure how many you'll need, take any clothes with large spaces between the clothing item and the edge of the hanger and measure them up against the smaller hangers. This way, you'll be able to tell if they fit. Now, all you need to do is slip on the clothes as you usually would. Just make sure that they hang neatly and they're not all bunched up; otherwise, they could end up looking worse. Likewise, if you have any clothes that are in the middle, you could try finding hangers that are more suitably fit to their size. For example, you may need a different size product for your jeans than your t-shirts or jumpers.

The reason this hack works so well is because the size of the hanger almost perfectly matches the length of your clothing items when they sit on it. Overall, this helps to create a more organized and luxurious feel in contrast to before. However, you should also take into consideration the overall style of your closet and adapt accordingly. For example, you could opt for a wooden or colored hanger over a more basic style. Any leftover hangers can be repurposed or upcycled.