Use This Unbeatable Secret Weapon To Keep Mice And Other Rodents Out Of The House
Keeping rodents out of your home can sometimes feel challenging, especially if none of your past tactics have been effective. However, as it turns out, having one secret weapon in your arsenal could be a complete game-changer. The weapon in question? Foam sealant.
While you may traditionally think of sealant being used for DIY purposes around your home, such as for caulking your baseboards, this particular type of sealant is a great option if you're looking to block rodents or mice from entering your humble abode. Not only is it very effective, but it also means that you should be able to save a considerable amount of money that you would spend on other methods since you can find it online or at a local home improvement store for under $10.
Due to its impressive capabilities, this product presents the perfect solution if you're currently struggling with an army of pests patrolling around your home unscathed. However, you can also use it as a preventative measure, even if you don't have any current issues. So, why does foam sealant work, and how exactly can you use it to your advantage?
The chemicals help the foam expand, keeping pests out
The reason the foam works so well to keep mice and other rodents at bay all boils down to the chemicals known as isocyanate and polyol in the product, which help it to cover a larger surface area by expanding and hardening, per Building Energy. This is what makes it so effective at blocking potential entrances for any lurking pests looking to scurry into your home, as the gap won't be big enough for them to enter through.
Plus, since foam sealant "does not provide any nutritional value" to rodents, as explained by Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, they likely won't go out of their way to chew through the sealant. However, if you find that mice or rodents are entering your house after you apply sealant foam, you may need to further inspect where they're coming from and if there's somewhere that you missed. Likewise, if any holes are especially large, you may want to insert wool or hardware cloth into the hole before applying the foam to ensure the hole is sufficiently blocked off.
Use the sealant foam tactically
To keep rodents and mice from creeping into your home, you'll have to use your sealant foam very tactically. First, you need to identify where the rodents are actually entering your home, which is arguably the most tricky part. However, if you want to be on the safe side, simply apply it to any nooks and crannies where you suspect any rodents or mice could squeeze through — even if it seems too small.
According to pest control company Anticimex, just a 6-millimeter gap is enough for a mouse to find its way inside your home — "about the diameter of a normal-sized pen," they write — so this is a good marker to start from if you're unsure and need somewhere to start. However, this also means you must be patient and take your time to ensure you cover the correct areas.
Of course, you should always ensure that you take care when using the product, too. For example, it is important to use gloves and to use eyewear on your eyes. This will ensure that you can handle the product safely. You should also ensure plenty of air is coming through your space. With a bit of practice, the whole process should become a breeze.