The Biggest Advantages Of Having Tile Roofing On Your Home

Picking the best roof for your home is an important consideration. When people see your home, they certainly pay attention to the landscaping, color, and design. But because the roof takes up so much of the area that they see, it's an important aspect of the design of the house, too. Although several types of roofing materials are available, one of the most interesting options is tile. Although tile has some disadvantages for this use case — primarily its high cost for the materials and for the challenging installation process — it's a great material to place on top of your home for several reasons. For starters, it looks beautiful, it lasts for decades, and it protects your house. Because of its durability, although it may cost you more initially, it should save you money over the length of its life.


To receive the benefits you are hoping for with your tile roofing, it's important to select an installer who has a high level of skill and experience with installing this material correctly. Because the tile can be made of clay, ceramic, slate, or concrete and needs to be nailed to the substrate, it could be subject to breakage during installation.

Always ask any roofing company that is going to do the work whether it has experience with this type of installation. Seek references and examples to verify what you are being told. Any company should be able to fully explain the installation process to you as well.

Why tile is a great roofing material choice for durability

It's possible for a tile roof to last more than 100 years before needing a full replacement. In comparison, at the max, asphalt shingles are likely to last around 30 years. Because of the durability that tile provides for your roof, you have minimal maintenance requirements versus other roofing materials. This saves money versus having to do regular repairs. Considering most homeowners must hire a pro for roofing work, you also save on repair labor costs with clay tile. 


As a benefit of this level of durability, this material also can stand up to all kinds of catastrophes, including those that are man-made or weather-related. Clay or concrete tiles have a Class A fire rating, which means they have the highest possible rating when measuring the material's ability to withstand the spread of the flame, among other performance issues. When it comes to durability in severe weather, tile roofs typically can withstand hailstones up to 2 inches in diameter, as well as wind speeds up to 150 miles per hour. Meanwhile, other roofing options can begin showing damage with hail stones around ½ inch in diameter. Another advantage of making use of tile materials is that the roof becomes more resistant to pests than when using other options, such as wood shingles, which are not resistant to insects. 


Aesthetic benefits of using tile on your roof

Because most homes make use of asphalt shingles, the installation of a tile roof gives your home an unusual look that is sure to grab attention. To help you match the tile material to the style and color of your home, it is available in a wide range of choices for color, shape, and finish style. It can even mimic other styles of roofing materials if desired. Some people like to use them to look like flat cedar shakes. 


If you live in an area where rain and hail are a common occurrence, you may know that metal roofing increases the unwanted noise that these storms produce. However, when you install tile, it can prevent these sounds from reaching the interior of your house as easily, allowing you and your pets to relax. It also can help if you live in noisy areas, such as near an airport or near a busy road.

If you like the idea of using sustainable products as part of your roof, tile consists of natural raw materials. They do not use chemicals to preserve the material, either, as the raw materials are naturally long-lasting on their own. Additionally, when it's time to replace the roof several decades in the future, the tile is recyclable, so you won't be adding to a landfill. Along with their sustainability, tile roofing materials provide impressive thermal properties, reducing a loss of energy from heating and cooling inside the home.


