Prevent All-Night Cricket Chirping By Clearing Out Their Favorite Hiding Spot

After a long, stressful day at work, we all look forward to a good night's rest. And when it's time to unwind, the last thing you want to hear is more noise that's going to keep you awake. Crickets chirping has become such an integral part of our nightlife routine that without it, the world might feel like a dead zone. Although crickets chirping outside is a popular part of the nighttime experience, especially during the hotter months, it can be downright irritating when they find their way into your yard for their midnight choir practice. 


Crickets chirp pretty loudly and their sound is amplified when they're in a space close to your bedroom window. If you regularly experience this headache, you can remedy the situation by simply clearing out their favorite hiding spot near lightbulbs. Crickets chirp by rubbing their body parts together, such as their legs, wings, or their heads. The sound seems to just hang in the background away from your yard, but when the little critters manage to get close to your home, that soothing sound can quickly become a source of insomnia. 

They also move in search of warmth and can find shelter around your outdoor lighting equipment as a result. If you have security lights right outside your bedroom window, crickets are likely to hang out there and chirp all night long.


Tips for repelling crickets near lights

The best way to get rid of crickets outside your home is by ensuring that their points of shelter are gone. Crickets love hiding in, under, and around light fixtures for their warmth, which is why you can hear their chirps from your bed. To rid your home of cricket pests, one of the most effective means is using a yellow-hued LED light instead of the regular white or blue incandescent ones. Studies show that bugs in general are less attracted to yellow LED lights. 


Likewise, incandescent bulbs emit more heat than their LED counterparts, something crickets love. Research also suggests that warm LED lights could help you sleep better, too, and if not, you can always just pop on a mask to achieve a total blackout. Switching your blue bulb for a yellow one would be a big help and it's relatively cheap, too, since you can get a two-pack for under $6 from Walmart

Another method to clear out crickets from your light fixtures is by adjusting the fixtures themselves. If there's a vertical area where crickets like to perch and chirp away, you can maneuver it so that they have nowhere to stand on. Finally, try setting up a different light fixture somewhere else away from your bedroom window, and turning the one closest to you off during the night. If the idea is to have security lights, opt for motion-detecting lights that only come on when there is significant movement outside.


