The Popular Vegetable That Will Keep Skunks Far Away From Your Home

While out on a walk one evening, you may have caught a whiff of a familiar, odorous scent drifting through the air, indicating a skunk has been nearby. While that pungent aroma may imply the skunk was startled and made a hasty escape, it could be evidence that one has taken up residence near your home. While skunks are known for the distinctive scent of their spray, it's interesting to learn they're also extremely sensitive to smells themselves. In the same way that they use their spray to repel predators, it's possible to repel skunks by using a scent they can't stand, and one such scent is garlic.

By spreading the smell of garlic around your property, you'll be able to discourage a skunk from making a nest near your home. The reason skunks don't care for garlic is because of the vegetable's sulfuric compound, which offends the animal's sensitive nose, much like the smell of rotten eggs is unpleasant to people. Using garlic to deter skunks is a natural and humane way to discourage these animals from lingering in your yard. Skunks are shy, nocturnal animals who spend most of their time looking for food and a warm, dry spot to make a den. Dens are often created in brushy areas in the woods, but can also be found next to a shed, under a porch, or in the garage.

Create a garlic spray for skunks

While it's flattering to know skunks find your home to be the perfect respite from predators and the weather, it's likely you'd prefer they find a different place to sleep. Skunks aren't only odorous, but they can carry rabies, and they will dig holes in your yard in their quest for a plump worm. A simple way to deter them from your home is to create a garlic spray. Chop up several cloves of garlic and boil them in a pot of water. After the mixture has cooled, pour it into a spray bottle and apply it liberally around your property. Reapply it often, especially after it rains. Skunks will naturally move from den to den after a few days, so creating a barrier in your yard is an effective way to encourage them to keep moving along.

It's also important to understand what attracts skunks to your yard so you can take preventative measures to keep them from settling in to start. They like to eat grubs and worms, which will appear after a heavy rain or after you've laid new grass, for example. They also enjoy dog food that has been left outside, and they like to find nuts and berries that have fallen from a bird feeder. For this reason, keep outdoor areas clear of any leftover food that may attract skunks, and use your garlic spray often to keep them from coming to stay.
