The Pool Noodle Hack That Will Make Your Shower Safer & More Comfortable

Showers come in all shapes and sizes. However, nothing is more annoying than making unwanted contact with your shower door track — especially if it happens on multiple occasions. Occasionally, it can even be downright painful. Thankfully, there's a nifty shower upgrade you can try. Instead, you can add a spare pool noodle to the shower tracts, as shown by @meganalexis on TikTok, which will help to deter any future blows. As a result, you should now be able to use your shower worry-free without the hassle of having to be cautious.

Not only will this pool noodle hack help to transform your shower, but it's also relatively inexpensive and may even help you save a few bucks. So, if you have a spare one lying around your home, this will be the perfect solution for you. However, how exactly do you use a pool noodle with your shower or bath? Let's take a look below.

Adjust the pool noodle correctly

Thankfully, this hack is straightforward and should only take a few seconds. All you'll need is a pool noodle, an appropriate knife for the job, and a tape measure. If you want to color-coordinate with your shower, you can try that too. So, what do you do now? First, you need to take some measurements with your tape measure. Once you have those, simply grab your pool noodle and lay it flat on your floor or table, using your knife to adjust it to the correct size for your shower. You can always use a marker pen to help you out. Next, you just need to create a slit down the middle with your knife, making sure you don't cut all the way through but enough so that you can wedge a couple of fingers in. Of course, make sure you take your time and be careful. Now, all you have to do is slide it on top of your shower tracks via the slit, and the job should be complete!

Naturally, the pool noodle works to help cushion any blows due to its softer, foamier texture and shape. Both of these factors combined make it a much more attractive option if you're looking to make your less hazardous. Even better, it's also waterproof, so you shouldn't have to worry about cleaning it. You should also ensure it's nice and secure, as you don't want to slip and hurt yourself.