Eliminate Vacuum Dust With This Genius Wet Paper Towel Hack

There are a large variety of cleaning tools you need for your home to keep the entire environment healthy and a comforting place to rest. But to have a truly clean house, you've got to become the king or queen of dust management. It's astonishing how quickly our vacuum canisters fill with dust and junk after just a few uses. When it's time to empty the canister into the kitchen garbage, the last thing you want is for the sucked-up dirt to recirculate in your home. An effective way you can control this is by covering it with a wet paper towel.


Depending on how many people run in and out of your kitchen throughout the day, there can be a lot of action around the garbage can. Imagine how the frequent opening and closing of a garbage bin that's full of dust and dirt will allow that grime to waft onto kitchen counters, your stove, and the floor. Even if you can't see it, it's likely still there. Use this genius paper towel hack to prevent dust from spreading and keep your home clean.

How to eliminate the spread of vacuum dust

To do this hack, you'll just need at least one, if not two, full-sized pieces of paper towel (enough to cover the surface area of your garbage can) and some water. Right before you dump that canister into the trash, wet the paper towels liberally, but be sure to squeeze out excess water. You don't want it dripping wet — just damp. Once the dust is in the garbage, immediately place the wet paper towel sheets on top. 


Here's why this is important and, spoiler alert, it's pretty disgusting. Dust is largely comprised of dead skin cells and the mites that like to feed on them. Dust also includes dead insects, pet hair, food particles, dirt we've brought into the house from outside, lint and fibers from clothing and carpeting, as well as smoking and cooking residue. You've just vacuumed it all up — you don't want to reintroduce that rubbish back into the environment, especially near the place where you prepare food. Since most of us are allergic to dust and mites, if you can, consider investing in a specific type of vacuum cleaner for people with dust allergies. While this will help reduce allergens in the environment, you should still use wet paper towels to control the spread of dust at its final destination.


