The Herbs That Are Good Companion Plants For Corn

When it comes to gardening, a golden rule to live by is to never plant anything in your garden that you're not willing to eat. Corn embodies this principle perfectly. A popular staple crop that's rich in magnesium and fibers, corn thrives in sunny conditions and well-drained soil. However, to properly grow corn and unlock its potential, you should consider companion planting. This technique involves thoughtfully positioning plants near each other, reaping benefits such as improved growth, enhanced resilience against pests, and better soil health. Marigolds, thyme, dill, and mint serve as excellent herb companions for corn, but let's focus on the general advantages of companion planting.


Engaging in companion planting dramatically improves the ecosystem of your garden. You're setting up a natural defense system by creating partnerships between different plant species. By doing so, you minimize the need for chemical pesticides and fertilizers, making your garden more organic and environmentally friendly. Moreover, companion planting optimizes space utilization in your garden. Plants with complementary shapes and growth patterns can coexist in the same patch of soil, allowing you to grow more varieties in a limited area. This is particularly advantageous for those with small gardens or limited growing spaces. It also adds an aesthetic appeal to your garden, mixing colors and shapes in a pleasing way to the eye, all while serving a functional purpose.


Marigolds and thyme: the insect repellers

One major benefit of planting marigolds near your corn is their ability to deter various garden pests, particularly aphids and nematodes. Aphids are small insects that suck the sap from plants, weakening them and making them more susceptible to diseases. They can also transmit harmful viruses. Nematodes, on the other hand, are microscopic worms that attack the roots of plants, hampering nutrient absorption and making the plants more vulnerable to other diseases. Marigolds counter these threats effectively with their strong fragrance, which disrupts the pests' ability to locate the plants. By planting marigolds, you essentially form a natural defensive ring around your corn plants, cutting down your reliance on chemical insecticides and fostering a more organic approach to pest control.


But the benefits don't stop with marigolds. Thyme also serves as an excellent companion plant for corn. This aromatic herb has its own set of pest-fighting abilities, primarily targeting the corn earworm. This particular pest is notorious for devouring corn kernels, rendering entire crops useless if not managed. Furthermore, thyme is a hardy perennial herb adaptable to various soil conditions. Harvesting thyme adds another dimension to your gardening experience; it's a versatile cooking herb that elevates a variety of dishes. From poultry to Mediterranean cuisine, thyme enhances flavors, providing both a protective and culinary advantage in your garden.

Dill, mint, and basil: more than just flavor enhancers

When planted next to corn, dill and mint offer different benefits. While mint repels deer with its potent smell, dill attracts beneficial insects to your garden. The aroma of mint discourages deer from feasting on your corn, keeping the crop safe from this common pest. It's also a perennial herb, so you get the advantage of not having to replant it year after year. Dill, on the other hand, brings in the good guys. It attracts pollinators and predatory insects like wasps that feed on common garden pests. By inviting these beneficial insects, dill serves as a natural method for maintaining a healthy garden ecosystem. Not just that, but dill also accumulates minerals in the soil, providing micronutrients that can benefit corn and other plants.


Basil leaves are highly effective in repelling maize weevils, a notorious pest known for infesting both growing corn crops and stored corn products. Maize weevils are particularly damaging because they eat the corn and lay their eggs in it, leading to a full-blown infestation if not controlled. The strong scent of basil confuses the maize weevils, making it difficult for them to locate the corn. Lastly, just like thyme, dill, mint, and basil also serve dual roles as culinary herbs. Dill is famous for its unique flavor and is commonly used in pickles and various fish dishes. With its refreshing taste, mint becomes a fantastic addition to both savory and sweet dishes; it also makes an excellent herbal tea.


