Knock Out Several Doors At Once With This Game-Changing Paint Hack

If you're overhauling your interior and choosing to paint several doors, it may feel like you have an enormous task on your hands. While it may seem overwhelming, one simple hack by @randomdiyguy on TikTok could make the whole process much easier. The solution? Use a strip of lumber to connect multiple doors in an upright position at once. Although it may seem complicated, it's relatively simple. If you can get it right, this nifty trick makes your door painting endeavor flow much smoother, saving you plenty of time and helping you get the job done more efficiently. It also allows you to paint several doors all in one go — what more could you ask for?

Thankfully, the hack is fairly straightforward, and you don't have to be a DIY expert to do it. We'll show you how to replicate this genius TikTok idea for yourself, so you can get your door revamp complete. Let's take a look at the steps you need to take below. 

Attach your doors together

To start, gather the doors that you want to paint. For the rest of the hack, all you'll need is a scrap piece of lumber and some nails. That's it. Now, line the doors up in a zig-zag formation. If you're struggling, just think of recreating a "V" shape. Once you assemble your line, you need to secure the doors in place. To do so, measure your scrap piece of lumber so that it will reach from the first door to the last (or you can use several smaller strips). Once you have cut it to the correct size, gently place it above your doors and secure it with your nails so the doors can stand upright. Now, all that's left to do is the actually painting, which should be a complete breeze. 

The reason this hack works so well is because the lumber helps to connect the door frames, making it much easier to access all the doors — and all sides — at the same time. In fact, the amount of doors you can add is limitless, depending on the size of the space you're working in, of course. You can take the job outside for some extra room, too. Always remember to use a well-ventilated space and let the paint fully dry before re-attaching them.
