Easily Remove Paint From Glass With An Item You Already Have In The Kitchen

Applying a fresh coat of paint to your door and window frames will breathe new life into them and transform them from dull and boring to modern and chic. However, in your quest to expertly paint the frames, you might get some paint on the glass panes. Despite your best efforts, you'll be left with unsightly drips and smudges on the panes, detracting from your new paint job. Fortunately, you can easily remove paint from the glass with distilled white vinegar — an item you may already have in your kitchen. This solution will help you loosen dried paint on the glass, making it easier to remove.


Distilled white vinegar is cheap, readily available, and doesn't contain toxic VOCs (volatile organic compounds), like store-bought paint solvents. Moreover, it won't damage or stain the glass, is environment-friendly, and its pungent odor evaporates relatively quickly. However, before you use this acidic item on the glass, ensure your window has a synthetic protective coating, otherwise it could do more harm than good.

Use vinegar to loosen paint stains from glass

To get started, pour one cup (240 ml) of distilled white vinegar in a microwave-safe container and heat it till it boils. Alternatively, you can heat the vinegar on the stove in a saucepan. Now, put on thick rubber gloves to protect your hands from heat before dipping a clean cloth or a paintbrush in the solution. Gently rub the cloth against the glass pane to loosen the dried paint, you might need a flat-edged tool to help scrape off any stubborn bits. After the paint comes off, get some clean water and another clean cloth to remove the leftover vinegar from the glass. 


Remember, it might take a few minutes and some elbow grease for the paint to come off. However, it is recommended that you don't use this acidic solution directly on stained glass panes. In this situation, you can combine white vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio before heating the mixture, and following the steps above.

