Should You Add Water To Your Almost Empty Soap Bottle?

Unless you're a strict follower of zero-waste living, you probably end up with near-empty dish soap bottles sometimes. There's not quite enough to squeeze out onto a sponge, but putting the last few drops in the trash feels like a waste. Yet if you add water to the bottle, you'll end up with a runny, soapy mixture that may not be powerful enough to get dishes clean.

The good news is that watery dish soap doesn't have to go on dishes. A diluted dish soap mixture is actually super-useful in the kitchen. So, yes, you should add water and get your money's worth from the end of that bottle!

Once you've filled the near-empty bottle with water, you have a handy, mild cleaning solution that's perfect for many types of counters. In fact, the expert recommendation is to use a gentle solution of water and dish soap on countertops of all types. This hack even works for high-end and delicate materials. The method is safe and effective because dish soap is gentle and nontoxic, since it has to be able to touch skin and food surfaces. Yet it's also a powerful cleaner and degreaser, since it has to be able to render dirty dishes spotless. 

Best practices for using dish soap solution

Dilution with water renders dish soap counter-safe. However, there are still some best practices to ensure that you don't damage your countertops. 

Begin with warm or hot water for added cleaning power. Then, be cautious with how you apply the solution to your counters. Make sure not to use a heavy-duty sponge or brush, which could create scratches. Microfiber cloths are a safer bet.

Next, be sure to rinse that microfiber cloth periodically as you clean. Otherwise, it'll simply gather dirt and debris, spreading it around your counters. Of course, if you give your counters a wipe-down every day, there'll be less dirt and less rinsing to do. 

Once you've wiped the counters with dish soap solution and a damp cloth, use a clean, dry cloth to polish out any remaining spots. Drying the countertops will prevent water damage on surfaces like granite. 

While you're at it, you can use your dish soap solution on the rest of your kitchen and home, too. It's great for windowsills, baseboards, cabinets, and tables, as well. Consider putting it in a spray bottle so it's easier to apply. With this handy hack, you can save money and keep your home sparkling clean.