The Popular Essential Oil That May Be Able To Get Rid Of Your Bed Bug Problem

If you have ever woken up to painful, tiny bumps or hives on your skin or even small blisters, chances are you were a victim of bed bug bites. Far from being part of a random catchphrase in a popular goodnight statement, bed bugs are prevalent in many households and can cause a lot of mayhem and distress. Around 20% of Americans have experienced bed bugs or know someone who has. Although they don't typically carry any diseases, they are still a nuisance.


The parasites are tiny and thus very evasive. They aren't easy pests to eliminate because you might miss them with your naked eye. These critters grow to be only 3/16 to a quarter of an inch long. While replacing your mattress can be a step toward a solution, you'll have to shell out the big bucks. Also, it doesn't exactly solve your pest problem because these animals migrate from your mattress to other areas like your wardrobe. Fortunately, lavender essential oil is an inexpensive way to get rid of bed bugs.

Bed bugs dislike lavender oil and have a low tolerance for essential oils in general, according to a study in the Journal of Economic Entomology. Lavender oil is toxic to them, and because bed bugs rely on their sense of smell to find their hosts, the concentrated scent of the oil will send them packing. If you need a quick fix for your bed bug problem, this just may be the solution for you.


Kill bed bugs by spraying lavender oil

To control your bed bug infestation with lavender oil, transfer it from the dropper bottle or whatever container it's in into a spray bottle. The spray feature will ensure that the oil reaches a greater surface area. According to Pestcom, you can also add water to dilute the oil before spraying it around your bed and sleeping area. Because bed bugs are climbers and spread to other areas of your room, it wouldn't hurt to spray your curtains, bedside table, and wardrobe, either. Anywhere you think these pests could have crawled to should get a healthy dose of lavender spray. Another plus, the oil can also kill bed bugs' eggs. Just ensure the concentrated, undiluted oil doesn't come into contact with your skin, as it can cause irritation.


If you have a bed bug infestation, lavender oil will surely give you a hand in repelling some of them, but it won't hurt to employ a few other practices to expel them once and for all. This means soaking your bedding in hot water, washing them thoroughly, and drying them on the highest heat setting they can allow. Also, double and triple-check your shoes, bags, and clothes for the bugs. If you're not certain if they've infiltrated other areas, take no chances. Throw those in the dryer as well. With enough due diligence, you'll be able to sleep without the bed bugs biting.

