Think Twice Before Trying This Popular Trick To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

If you've ever had the misfortune of finding bed bugs in your home, you know just how resilient the little critters can be. These bloodsucking pests are notoriously hard to get rid of. And in your quest to find solutions to eliminate them, you may have come across one method you're willing to try: boiling water. 


At first glance, using boiling water to kill bed bugs might make perfect sense. After all, bed bugs are not invincible, and they have a vulnerability that can be exploited with boiling water. These tiny insects are highly sensitive to extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. When exposed to at least 120°F (48.9°C), bed bugs simply can't survive. Their bodies can't withstand the heat, and pouring boiling water on them means their internal organs get essentially cooked.

While boiling water can be a handy tool in your bed bug-fighting arsenal, it's not without its limitations. First and foremost, it may not reach every hiding spot. Bed bugs are notorious for their ability to squeeze into tiny cracks and crevices, and if they're deep inside your mattress, the hot water might not reach them at all. Plus, using boiling water alone won't eliminate the entire infestation; it's just one piece of the puzzle. Additionally, using boiling water may not be suitable for all surfaces as extreme heat can damage certain materials, such as sensitive fabrics, electronics, or wooden furniture. And then, of course, there's the challenge of getting your mattress dry afterwards.


The key is comprehensive bed bug removal

Now, it's time to talk about the holistic approach to banishing bed bugs from your home. Steam cleaning is a highly effective bed bug-killing method you can use instead of boiling water. The high-temperature steam can penetrate deep into fabrics and cracks, killing adult bed bugs, nymphs and eggs. Wash and dry all your bedding, curtains, and clothing on high heat to help eliminate any remaining bed bugs. Then give your entire living space a thorough clean using a vacuum cleaner, paying special attention to cracks, crevices, and baseboards. Dispose of the vacuum bag or put the contents of the canister in a plastic bag and seal it tightly. 


Investing in a bed bug-proof mattress cover and box spring encasement may also help as these can trap bed bugs inside and prevent new ones from infesting your bed. But if you've tried these DIY methods and the infestation persists, it's time to call in pest control experts as they have the knowledge, tools, and treatments necessary to eliminate bed bugs for good. 

Boiling water can indeed help in your fight against bed bugs. However, it's just one part of a comprehensive, long-term extermination strategy. To truly banish these pests from your home, combine or replace it with other tactics like laundering, vacuuming, steam cleaning, using bed bug-proof accessories, or professional pest control services. With patience and persistence, you can take back your home and enjoy peaceful, bed bug-free nights once more.


