The Solution To Crayon Mark Removal That You Likely Already Own

Kids love to play with arts and crafts, but sometimes, they get a little too inspired and move from the paper on the table to the white wall next to them. The world is their canvas at that moment, and what you're left with is a colorful masterpiece on your Benjamin Moore paint finish. While you have to applaud their enthusiasm, most parents will be antsy to quickly remove their scribbles. However, crayon isn't the easiest mark to wash away. Thanks to its waxy nature, you can't just use a wet paper towel to remove it. Not only is it stubborn, but you must also use a product that won't discolor or scratch the paint underneath. Luckily, there is an easy hack you can utilize to get crayon marks off your walls that involves something you have in your bathroom: a blowdryer. 


Rather than messing around with harsh chemicals or stiff scrub brushes, all you need is a blow dryer to remove their spontaneous artwork. This is handy since most people already have one in the house, negating the need to run to the store to buy a product. Just plug it in and watch the wax melt. Here's how to do it.

How to use a blowdryer to remove crayon marks

Since crayons are made from wax, the trick is to melt the substance enough so it's easier to wipe away. When it's at room temp, it's hard to budge. But if you warm it up ever so slightly, it'll slide right off the wall. That's where the hairdryer comes in. But before you turn it on, there are some caveats to keep in mind. First, you want to start on the lowest heat setting in order to protect your wall. You don't want to damage it by accident, so starting slow and steady is best. You also want to make sure you don't have the nozzle too close to the wall, as this may ruin the paint. It's also important to move the appliance back and forth while heating the crayon marks, never leaving the heat hit on one spot too long.


Once the crayon marks are sufficiently heated, grab a microfiber cloth that's been dipped in warm water and wipe them away. They should come right off. Finally, wipe it dry with a clean cloth, and you're done!

