How A Penny Can Fix Your Wobbly Furniture

Isn't it frustrating when you sit on a chair or use a table that wobbles? We've all been there: trying to enjoy a meal or work on a project, only to be distracted by that annoying rocking motion. While wobbly furniture might seem like a minor inconvenience, it can quickly become a significant annoyance. However, there's a surprisingly simple solution hiding in your pocket change – a penny!

Most of us take the stability of our furniture for granted, expecting our tables and chairs to stand firm and even. However, whether due to wear and tear, uneven flooring, or poor construction, our furniture can sometimes disappoint us with its instability. When a leg is even slightly shorter than the others or when the floor underneath isn't perfectly level, furniture tends to wobble. This can pose some unpleasant challenges, especially if you're trying to complete an assignment or have a romantic dinner on an uneven surface.

So how does a penny, often overlooked and undervalued, become the hero of this story? It's all about its thickness, durability, and availability. A penny serves as a perfect makeshift shim, which is essentially a wedge that helps balance out uneven surfaces.

Spare change: steps to de-wobble

Begin by determining which leg is causing the wobble. You can do this by checking each leg and applying slight pressure to see which moves or lifts off the ground. Once you've identified the problematic leg, simply slide a penny beneath it. This usually offers enough of a boost to balance out the unsteadiness. If a single penny doesn't do the trick, don't hesitate to add another. By taping two or three pennies together, you can increase the thickness and, therefore, the height. Adjust until your furniture sits stable and wobble-free.

Keep in mind that using a penny as a shim is a temporary fix. If you're looking for a more permanent solution, consider purchasing proper shims or seeking professional help. However, for those moments when you need an immediate solution, a penny is perfect. Also, note that you shouldn't use pennies as shims on hardwood floors. Unfortunately, the copper can scratch the wood, leading to damage. If your furniture is on a hardwood floor and you need a quick fix, consider placing a small piece of cloth or felt between the penny and the floor.

Although there is such a wide variety of sophisticated solutions for different problems, sometimes the simplest ones are the most effective. Case in point — the penny-shim technique. It's a testament to the idea that you don't always need fancy gadgets or expensive methods; sometimes, all it takes is a bit of resourcefulness and a penny from your pocket.
