How To Repair Loose And Hollow Floor Tiles Without Removing Them

Tile floors, whether in your kitchen or elsewhere, are super easy to maintain and they're sturdy enough for high-traffic areas. Because of that high traffic or because of moisture, over time, the tiles may become loose. The thought of ripping up and replacing an entire kitchen floor is daunting — but it's not necessary when you're only dealing with a few renegade tiles. If you're an intrepid DIYer, you'll appreciate using an adhesive called Fix-a-Floor to repair your floor without pulling it up.

You shouldn't put off repairs for long because it's too easy to lose your balance and fall when walking on a wobbly surface. The stakes are even higher if a visitor, guest, or child gets injured in your kitchen because they trip over a protruding tile. Moreover, if a tile is moving it is likely to crack at some point, causing a bigger repair job and added expense. 

How to easily repair hollow floor tiles

Here are the supplies you'll need. Get Fix-a-Floor adhesive, a caulking gun, a mallet or broom handle, a drill with the correct size bit (the bit cannot be wider than your grout lines or it will damage the tiles), a vacuum cleaner, a sponge and water, any dry object that can be used as a weight, and fresh grout that matches the color of your existing grout.

First, you'll identify the problem tiles by tapping on them with a broom handle to determine which ones are loose. Mark the loose tiles with chalk to define your work area. Drill holes in the grout next to the loose tiles then remove the grout dust with the vacuum cleaner. Using your caulking gun and Fix-a-Floor, fill the first hole; you may see the adhesive pop up to the surface through a neighboring hole.

Fill all the holes as needed, then wipe away the excess product with a wet sponge. Rest heavy weights on the area and allow it to cure for 24 hours. Mix up your matching grout, and apply it over the filled holes. Wipe excess grout from the tiles and tape off the area to prevent stepping on it as the grout needs to dry. For overall maintenance, avoid using chemicals on your tile floors like bleach, ammonia, or vinegar, and stick to a mild detergent and water.
