Here's How Much You Should Expect To Spend On An Annual Pest Control Contract

If you only call a pest control expert when you see unwanted insects or rodents, you may want to reconsider. Some pest control experts recommend monthly service, while others suggest quarterly or semiannual visits. When hiring a pest control team for an annual contract, you can specify the number of visits you want to schedule. The frequency of visits and the types of pests involved will affect the cost of the annual contract, which typically ranges from $300 to $1,200 per year for a residence.

If you only want control services once or twice per year, you could pay towards the lower end of the range. The upper end of the range is more common for four to 12 treatments per year. A single treatment can cost $50 to $500, depending on the type of pest involved and the level of infestation. This is a similar amount to what you'd pay for an annual contract with only one treatment per year.

For quarterly visits, expect to pay $100 to $300 per quarter. For monthly inspections and applications, you could pay $40 to $70 per month. The pest control company may charge more for the first inspection and treatment as part of the contract you sign before reverting to normal charges.

Aspects of a pest control treatment that affect your annual contract cost

Before signing an annual contract to hire a professional pest control service, it's important to consider whether the company can make alterations to the contract based on the appearance of a new and more difficult type of pest to exterminate or relocate. During the initial property inspection, the company may draft a contract to deal only with the pests found during that visit. As a result, you could be charged extra for a new pest in the future.

The annual cost of your contract may be higher than average if you have certain types of pests that are particularly hard to control. Bed bugs, for example, usually require an initial treatment costing up to $5,000, while termites can cost up to $8,000. Other challenging pests include ants, rats, and mosquitoes. Return visits under the contract typically cost less than the initial treatment and visit, even for difficult-to-control pests.

The size of your home can also affect the cost of an annual contract. While a company may advertise a quote for an average 1,500-square-foot home, you may be charged an extra $25 per visit for every additional 1,000 square feet over the average.