The Crucial Step You Don't Want To Forget When Changing A Fridge Filter

The refrigerator is undoubtedly one of the most indispensable appliances you have in your home. Without it, you'd have issues storing food and no one wants to be stuck in the kitchen 24/7 heating up food so that it doesn't spoil. That's why it's crucial to make sure all the parts of your fridge are in perfect functioning condition. If your refrigerator has a water dispenser installed, then it also has a filter that needs to be changed regularly. There is a common mistake a lot of people make when changing their refrigerator filter that could affect the way your drinking water looks and tastes.

One of the worst things you could do is forget to change your filter or insist on using it past its due date. You and your loved ones stand the risk of ingesting harmful pathogens and getting sick. Fridge filters are designed to entrap particles and contaminants and ensure that you have safe drinking water. They contain carbon in the form of activated charcoal, which not only prevents large particles from making it into your water but also micro-contaminants. The fridge filter also absorbs the impurities commonly found in tap water, making it drinkable. Replacing your filter is of great consequence, but so is making sure you fulfill all the requirements for installation. Interestingly enough, there is a crucial step most people miss that you don't want to forget: flushing the filter.

Run a few gallons of water through the filter before drinking from it

When it comes to changing your refrigerator filter, there is a very necessary step you need to take that most people often forget about or simply don't know. During the process of installing the new filter, the final thing you should do is flush the filter out thoroughly before use. Flushing the filter before drinking any water from it is important because it gets rid of larger carbon filaments from it. 

According to TikTok home expert @builderbrigade, the first thing to do is to replace the filter, which is usually located either behind the grill or around the topmost shelf. Pull out the old filter and screw in the new one. Once this is done, it's time to flush it. Close the fridge, and place a gallon-sized pitcher under the dispenser. Run it until you fill the pitcher all the way, and repeat this two more times. You will notice the change in water quality from the first run to the last. The water will get clearer and brighter. You can start drinking the water after the third run.

If you are unsure about how often you should replace your refrigerator water filter, you can check the manual. However, most companies generally advise that you change it every six months at most so that every glass will be sparkly clean and delicious.