The Must-Know Trick Every Gardener Should Know To Keep Rats Away

Rats are a pest you certainly don't want to see inside or outside your home. Rats and mice both carry several diseases, so you should avoid them at all costs. But how can you avoid them when they're attracted to your yard? While you could turn to poison and traps, they're unsafe for humans, sometimes inhumane to rats, and not always cost-effective. You can use a helpful trick when the other options aren't working out for you: Plant herbs that deter rats.

You can plant rat-repelling herbs around your garden to keep them from nibbling on your plants. Potted herbs around the patio will also deter them from your gathering spaces, giving you a more pleasant time outdoors. Though they may not get rid of them completely, they'll at least make the local rat population think you don't have anything good in the garden and will go elsewhere to look for places to eat and nest. It allows you to remove rats humanely while prettying up your yard.

Use herbs to deter rats

An herb garden smells delightful to most humans. Aromatic basil, delicate lavender, and cooling mint are all scents that will make you want to enjoy your yard, but they'll make rats hit the road. If rats are a constant problem in your garden, try surrounding your garden beds with herbs. Herbs are good companions to edible plants and flowers, so you can put them wherever the rats disrupt things.

Mint and citronella work wonders against rats since they can't stand the smell. An alternate route is taking mint or citronella essential oil, soaking cotton balls with them, and placing them around the garden. If minty smells are too much for your personal taste, try eucalyptus. It's just as potent on rats but is a bit more enjoyable for human noses. Lavender is another great one that will make your garden beautiful. Once your plant is established, harvest lavender stalks and place them around the garden to keep rats at bay.
