Use A Handy Kitchen Staple To Block A Drain Without A Plug In A Pinch

You might not think twice about your kitchen sink's or bathtub's drain plug most of the time. Yet, figuring out how you're going to complete basic household tasks such as washing dishes or bathing without one is enough to leave anyone dumbfounded, and it can seriously throw a spanner in the works. There's an easy way to solve the problem using a few items you likely already have nestled away in your home: You can use a washcloth or even a sock in concert with a plastic bag to help keep things in check. These items essentially help to create a DIY drain plug.


This may seem like quite an odd combination, but it can do quite a good job. Not only will this trick help to make your household chores much easier before you can venture out in search of a new plug, but it's also very convenient. Likewise, it's also a great way to reuse any old items you have. Grab some socks or washcloths and get ready to try this hack out for yourself. 

Block your drain with a makeshift plug

All you need to do is take the washcloth or sock of your choice and toss it into the bottom of a repurposed plastic bag, then wrap the bag up around the item like a covering and knot it. Imagine you're wrapping it as a gift. Whatever item you choose will effectively act as a plug. Now, all you need to do is push it into your drain where your plug would normally sit. To be sure, test your item beforehand to see if it's a good size. Now, all that's left to do is to put it to the test. If it works, you should now be able to bathe, wash dishes, or whatever else with ease. You can reuse your makeshift drain plug again and again.   


But what is it that makes this method so effective? As it turns out, the key here is the washcloth or sock that you use. It helps to cover most of the drain area and weigh down the bag to block the passage of water, just as a regular plug would. Without it, this nifty trick wouldn't work. Likewise, if you have any old socks that you'd otherwise throw away, this would be a great way to use them. 

