The Stunning DIY Home Depot Vanity Mirror That Won't Hurt Your Wallet

Vanity mirrors are a dream for any beauty-lover out there and can help to create a luxurious feel to any space. You may have even seen them online already — after all, they're incredibly popular. However, if you find that they're often out of your price range, you can easily re-create a vanity mirror using a DIY hack for a fraction of the cost. The hack, by @carliedadon on TikTok, showcases how easy it is to do so. With only three items, you'll be able to construct your own DIY vanity mirror in no time.


Not only is this a great solution for anyone on a tight budget, but it also looks incredible. You may barely be able to tell the difference between your DIY mirror and a store-bought one. What more could you possibly ask for? All you need to do is scout out a good spot for your mirror, and you should be set to go. Below, we'll divulge the secrets to this hack so you can prop it up in your room as quickly as possible.

You only need three items

For this DIY Home Depot vanity mirror hack, all you'll need is a frameless mirror from Home Depot, some vanity mirror lights, and a shelf. Of course, you can always choose a frameless mirror from another company if you wish. So, how do you make it? First, you need to secure the shelf on your wall so it fits securely. While you're fitting it, you should ensure you take your height when sitting into consideration and how the mirror is going to work for you. Only when you're sure of the placement is when you should secure it, ensuring that you're also near a wall outlet. For the final steps, simply secure your mirror to the wall on top of your shelf and then add your vanity lights around the edge. As a result, you should be left with a gorgeous DIY vanity mirror for a fraction of the cost!


The reason this hack works so well is because of the attachable vanity lights. These help to mimic what other vanity mirrors look like, which often have the same or similar lights built into their design. However, this hack also gives you more flexibility. If vanity lights don't particularly tickle your fancy, you could try adding your own creative flair with fairy lights or strip LED lights, which may give a more modern and sophisticated look. You could even create a DIY mirror frame if you want to add one.

