Keep Your Robot Vacuum On Task With This Genius Pool Noodle Hack

Robot vacuums are a great help for keeping your floors clean, but sometimes, they end up in places they shouldn't. Whether your vacuum lodges itself under a piece of furniture or gets stuck on thick carpeting, limiting your robot's access will keep it focused on the areas it should be cleaning and prevent it from needing your assistance. Ingenious pool noodle hacks have been everywhere online lately, and surprisingly, they can also help your robot vacuum stay on task. By strategically placing pool noodles around your home, you can safely block your robot vacuum from going somewhere it shouldn't.


To execute this trick, you'll only need a few pool noodles, a sharp tool (such as a box cutter), and possibly glue to shape your noodles to fit your needs. Thankfully, pool noodles aren't likely to break the bank, making this hack both simple and inexpensive. For example, they can be found for just over a buck at Dollar Tree.

How to use pool noodles to block robot vacuums

If your vacuum gets stuck on a high pile rug, cut a lengthwise slit in your pool noodle. These can then be slipped over the rug's edges, and when your robot vacuum bumps into the foam, it'll turn around. If one pool noodle isn't long enough to fit the length of your rug, try gluing two together.


On the other hand, you have a few options for vacuums that get stuck beneath furniture. If you want the robot to clean under a recliner, for example, pool noodles could be sliced and placed under the legs to raise their height. However, this may not work for heavier pieces. Alternatively, you could cut slices of foam the size of the space between your furniture and your floor. Once you have enough pieces, wedge them beneath to block off the open space. This will allow your robot vacuum to clean your house without getting stuck. However, don't forget to manually address the areas you've blocked off!

