How To Prevent 'Holidaying' When Painting

When you decide to take on certain home DIY tasks, such as interior painting, you might not want to be daydreaming on the job. Certain terms like 'holidaying' are applied to portions of the paint where you missed a spot. It typically happens unbeknownst to you until the end, and it often occurs in rooms with poor lighting to begin with. It's sometimes in spots where you use a brush as opposed to a roller, and typically near the edges. If you notice them while you're working, although they're a pain, they're possible to fix. You can usually prevent holidaying by using a very bright work light in the first place.


Painters use lots of interesting terms in a sort of language of their own, and holidaying is a bit humorous in its origin. It's meant to imply you must have been momentarily on holiday and missed a spot. Whatever the case may be, in painters' language, holidaying is a bad word!

How to prevent holidaying

As mentioned, holidaying referes to spots where the paint fails to stick. Open all windows in the daytime and bring in bright lights at night to work by. One thing to remember is to make sure you have the right nap roller cover for the job. Sometimes, trying a longer nap roller cover helps to avoid this mistake. Also, making sure the roller is fully saturated with paint while using it will make a difference. Allow the roller to sit in the roller pan with paint and absorb the paint into every fiber, for at least two minutes. Be sure to take your time while painting and don't be in a hurry. Going over each section two or three times is recommended to keep skipping to a minimum.


Paint generously and firmly, lay off with the open end of the roller, and work away from the finished area at all times. This will prevent any track marks in the paint as well. Pay close attention to the spaces between the ceilings and the walls, and the corners. This is where holidaying will appear most often. After you finish each section, take a portable light and double-check for streaks. Remember, it's easier to fix any problems while the paint is still drying.

