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Whatever Happened To Kwik-Hang Curtain Rod Brackets After Shark Tank Season 9?

Hanging curtains often requires inconvenient power tools and unsightly damage to the walls, but Kwik-Hang founder Tom Burr decided to find a better solution. In 2013, he launched his business in an effort to solve this problem. Instead of brackets that install into the wall beside your window, Burr developed a product that installs directly into the frame with sharp pins for an easy and minimally-damaging final product. Unfortunately, however, Tom Burr's health began to decline, and he passed the business to his son, Derrek Burr, in 2016.

A few months after taking over the family business, Derrek Burr took the idea to "Shark Tank" on Season 9, Episode 5 of the show. His background as an ex-Marine and current police officer, his story with his dad, and his demonstration of the product's ease of use and staying power piqued the interest of the stars of "Shark Tank." But ultimately, he didn't receive much more than publicity from his appearance on the show.

What happened to Kwik-Hang on Shark Tank?

During his time on Season 9, Episode 5 of "Shark Tank," Derrek Burr effectively demonstrated what problem his product would help to fix, why it's necessary, and how easy it is to use. Each of the Sharks was receptive during his pitch and tempted by his offer of 20% equity for a relatively low sum of $80,000, but none of the group ultimately decided to take the deal.

Mark Cuban dropped out because he felt it was a bit too early to invest, Lori Greiner wasn't excited about the prospect of having to go through licensing, and Daymond John decided he'd rather give his money to someone who saw their company as a full-time position rather than a family project. Kevin O'Leary and Robert Herjavec also eventually dropped out because the business felt a bit too undercooked for their liking, but each of the Sharks still seemed supportive of Burr and his father's story and invention.

After the show

Derrek Burr didn't receive a deal from the Sharks during his episode of "Shark Tank," but like most products that appear on the show, he still gained publicity. Kwik-Hang was a fairly small business before the show, but its appearance on such a popular program meant potential customers that had never heard of his product were interested in buying. Since 2017, Kwik-Hang has expanded to include both curtain rods and curtain holdbacks, showing that the company was raking in enough profit to continue growing its selection.

Since the company's time on "Shark Tank," Burr was also given the U.S. Patriot Award, which recognizes small businesses that are owned and run by United States veterans. The product also had another appearance on a major television program, "The Today Show," in 2017. Burr might not have received a direct investment from any of the Sharks, but appearing on the show certainly helped him ramp up his business.

Is Kwik-Hang still in business?

Today, Kwik-Hang is still in business and appears to be doing well. The company's products are available for purchase though Amazon or on the Kwik-Hang website. At $12.99 for a set of Single Curtain Rod Brackets and $16.99 for Double Curtain Rod Brackets, they're only slightly more expensive than similar styles on the market that need to be screwed directly into the wall. Because of this mechanism, they're a significantly more renter-friendly way to update your outdated windows. Kwik-Hang Brackets are also available in five different colors, and the brand offers quite a few options for curtain rods if customers are looking to purchase everything from one place.

If visitors to the brand's website are questioning which products to buy, Kwik-Hang also offers a handy Curtain Designer quiz that matches you with the correct products for your window setup and personal style, including curtain rod brackets, curtain rods, and curtain holdbacks.

What's next?

Going by CEO of Kwik-Hang Derrek Burr's LinkedIn, it doesn't appear that he is pursuing any other projects. The brand's most recent release was curtain holdbacks in October 2020, and Burr seems to be committed to making Kwik-Hang a one-stop shop for everything you need to elevate your window setup. At the current moment, this doesn't include curtains, but there's no way to determine exactly what's in development next for the company.

As of right now, the brand's social media is all about sharing décor ideas on its blog, promoting positive reviews from customers, and showcasing creative ways to utilize Kwik-Hang products. The brand hasn't shared any recent developments or teased new product drops lately, so it's likely that Kwik-Hang is simply working to satisfy its existing customers, continuing advertising to reach more people, and raking in the profits from what's currently on sale. This brand may not have received an offer from any of the Sharks, but it has certainly evolved into a larger company after its appearance on the show.
