The Best Ways To Arrange Fans To Cool Down A Hot Room

If you don't have an AC, you know firsthand the struggles of staying cool when the temperature is sweltering. Sleeping in a hot room is uncomfortable and ruins your sleeping schedule as you toss and turn all night, drenched in sweat. You've probably tried numerous ways to keep your space cool without an AC unit, like closing the blinds, windows, and doors throughout the day or avoiding turning on the oven. But even one ounce of heat from outside or in the kitchen can make your home feel like a sauna.


Without an AC unit, fans will be your best friend. A floor fan can help balance the hot and cold air but should be placed in the right spot. When it's sitting directly in front of you, it offers temporary relief, but when you're walking about or getting dressed, you want the whole room to feel cold. 

On the other hand, using multiple fans and arranging them strategically around your room can help keep the air circulating and push out hot air. Placing them near windows and on higher platforms is ideal for getting your space feeling cooler. One trick to always follow is changing the direction of a ceiling fan's blades; they should always move counterclockwise during hot weather to push cold air downwards. But also having additional fans will increase the fresh air throughout your abode.


Place fans pointing outside a window

Circulating the air with fans will regulate the temperature inside. Even though you should keep almost all windows and doors closed at all times when the day is warmer, setting up a fan directly in front of an open window will blow out all the hot air. When you have your ceiling fan on full speed, it'll fill the room with cool air while the fan in front of the window blows out all the hot air outside. Simply set up a stool next to any window in your room and put your fan on top of it, with the front side facing the window screen. Then, turn on both the ceiling fan and window fan and see if you notice a difference after half an hour.


If you don't have a ceiling fan in your bedroom, set up the fan next to the window, but close the bedroom door to keep out hot air from the other rooms. In this case, you can use two floor fans to circulate the air. Situate one of the fans on a higher level, like a bookcase, and turn it on to act as a ceiling fan while the one near the window pushes out the hot air. Take the taller fan to the next level by placing a cold, damp towel over it so that it continuously blows cold air.

Set up a fan in a cool spot

There will always be a chillier spot in every room where the temperature drops; it's often in higher corners near air vents. If you feel like the left side of your bedroom is slightly colder than the right, place your fan on the left side to increase the cold air and ventilate the rest of the area. It will push the cold air to the other side. As before, find a taller place to rest your fan, like a nightstand or sturdy shelf. Using this method in the rest of your house will eliminate more heat. For example, in larger rooms, like a living room, find a chilly spot to set up your fan, and it'll spread cool air to the rest of the open areas, such as the kitchen, hallways, and dining room.


In addition, to ensure consistent cold air blowing, create your own AC unit with a bucket or bowl of ice. It's a great way to cool any room. Place your floor fan in the living room, fill a bowl with ice and set it in front of the fan so that as the ice melts, it'll blow cold air. You can also freeze a couple of water bottles and stand them behind or in front of the fan to make it emit colder air too. You'll feel a nice, misty breeze every time you walk past it. Who needs a "real" AC unit?

