You Likely Aren't Cleaning Your Box Fans As Often As You Should Be
A trusty box fan can help you beat the heat, but regular cleaning is a must to keep it running smoothly. Neglecting this vital step can impact its performance and even pose health risks. Regular cleaning can decrease the amount of allergens and irritants in the air, which can provide relief for people with allergies or asthma.
The frequency of cleaning your box fan depends on several factors, such as the environment it operates in, the amount of use, and the level of dust and debris in the surrounding air. Generally, giving it a thorough cleaning once a month and dusting it weekly can ensure that it will be ready to cool down your house whenever you need it. It's a good idea to clean your box fan before you use it during the hot summer months or store it for the colder months. Also, if you reside in an area with high levels of airborne particles, such as pollen or dust, you may need to clean your box fan more often.
Deep cleaning a box fan
Taking precautions when cleaning your box fan is essential. Remember to unplug the fan and wait until it has stopped moving completely before you begin. Most box fans have easy-to-remove grills secured with clips, screws, or fasteners. You can use your hands or a screwdriver to detach them and remove the front grill safely.
Once the front grill is removed, clean it thoroughly by wiping it with a mixture of warm water, dish soap, and white vinegar. If it is dusty but not especially grimy, using a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment may be enough to remove dust and debris. You can clean the fan blades in the same manner, although it's important to be gentle while cleaning the blades to avoid bending them. Carefully clean the fan motor and internal components with a soft, dry cloth. Avoid using water or liquid cleaning agents on these parts, as this can damage the motor. After cleaning all the components, reassemble the fan by securing the front grill back in place. Ensure that all clips, screws, or fasteners are securely attached before turning the fan back on.