The Kitty Litter Hack That'll Keep Your Garbage Smelling Fresh

It isn't uncommon for garbage cans to stink. It doesn't matter whether they are the small ones in the bathroom or large ones collecting malodorous items in the kitchen or garage. It certainly isn't practical to load up your trash and run it to the local dump yourself every day or two; there needs to be an easy way to keep your garbage can from reeking. The answer is to get a cat! — well, all you really need is the kitty litter. Adding a little clean cat litter at the bottom of your trash, between the bin and the plastic liner, is a great hack to keep your garbage can smelling fresh.

This odor-busting tip truly works and is inexpensive, easy, and uncomplicated. With many municipalities cutting back on the frequency of trash pickup days, this is one hack that's truly the cat's meow. And, while there are many wonderful things about having a feline, access to fresh kitty litter is a big plus, given the many home hacks it can be used for. The magical properties in the granules of cat litter that eliminate odors in a litter box — and oddly enough, a refrigerator – have the same effect on the garbage cans located anywhere around your home.

How to use kitty litter to add freshness

Recommendations vary regarding the amount of kitty litter to use and how often to change it. For smaller receptacles — like dorm room-sized garbage cans — a quarter cup of kitty litter (one or two shot glasses, if your brain is actually in dorm mode!) should do the trick. If you don't have a measuring cup handy, a small handful should be enough. Sprinkle it across the bottom of a clean garbage can, then insert a garbage bag. When you replace the trash bag, if the kitty litter hasn't gotten wet, you can go ahead and keep it in there. Every month or so, toss it out then add fresh kitty litter and a new garbage bag.

For larger garbage cans, like kitchen bins, use a half cup and change it more often, depending on the trash traffic in your household. Contingent on the size of your garbage can, how quickly you fill it up, and what goes in it, you may need to alter how often you change the kitty litter or how much you use.

Why kitty litter keeps things smelling fresh

No one wants a smelly home, so adding kitty litter to garbage cans to add freshness is easy, but why does it work? One manufacturer, Arm & Hammer, commented that cat litter is composed mainly of clay, no matter what variety you purchase. They add that any version you buy is designed to absorb spills and eliminate odors, which are the two key objectives when using kitty litter to keep a garbage can smelling fresh, and exactly the things that clay does well.

But to have the kitty litter continue to work its magic in your garbage can, you can't be complacent. It will need to be changed regularly. In addition, you'll want to pay attention to the condition of your garbage cans. Putting a scoop of kitty litter underneath the trash bag in your garbage can is a great way to help minimize odors and keep your bin smelling fresh, but it won't do much good if the can itself is filthy. 

Pour kitty litter all over the messy goo and take a break (15-30 minutes should do the trick) while the litter does its thing. As you wash the garbage can, any remaining kitty litter will act as both an abrasive to help clean your trash bin and will aid in freshening it. Set the garbage can out in the sunshine to dry for an added disinfecting bonus.
