The Year-Round Guide For Taking Care Of Blueberry Bushes

Blueberries can be one of the most rewarding plants to cultivate, providing enjoyment throughout the year. For example, the highbush blueberry is a rare specimen that offers flowers in the spring, scrumptious berries in the summer, and vibrant crimson and orange foliage during the fall and winter. Best of all, they're not difficult to grow. They do best in full sun and need an acidic soil with a pH between 4.0 and 5.0.

To grow blueberries, you should start by measuring the pH of your soil to determine if any soil amendments are necessary. Blueberries require loose, well-drained soil with plenty of compost or organic materials. It's also important to note that blueberries are slow-growing and don't produce fruit for the first two or three years. In fact, full maturity can take up to a decade. However, they live for a long time and are completely worth the patience and investment. If you love blueberries as much as we do, here's how to care for them all year.

The first half of the season

We'll begin with planting new blueberries, which is typically done in April or May. After thoroughly preparing the soil, choose a nice sunny spot with plenty of room for growth. In May or June, put down mulch for the growing season. Pine needles, wood chips, or bark mulch are the best options for blueberries. In July, it's harvest time! Wait until the berries have turned blue and easily fall off in your hand before picking them.

Blueberries don't ripen after being picked, so it's important to wait until they are fully ready to be harvested. They have lots of antioxidants and are an excellent source of vitamin C and potassium. They have no seeds, pits, or stems to worry about and you can easily freeze them for later use. They make a splendid food crop to put in your garden. But you're not finished with their yearly care yet!

The second half of the season

After harvesting is complete, between July and September, test your soil and make any necessary amendments. When first planting blueberries, if you need to amend the soil with sulfur, it's easiest to do the year prior to planting. If this is the case, make these amendments from July to September of the year prior to planting. From September to October, lay winter mulch down to protect your plants during the coldest months.

During the fall months, the blueberry bushes will sport their beautiful fall colors for your enjoyment! Then, in November and December, it's a good idea to put a fence and chicken wire around the plants to safeguard them from rabbits and deer. During the late fall and winter, the stems of the blueberry plants become tasty treats to these animals, which can severely stunt their growth. Lastly, in March, it's time for pruning, done before the new growth begins. Make sure to wait until after the last frost. This completes your year-round guide for taking care of blueberry bushes!