Think Twice About Using This Age-Old Trick To Deter Slugs From Your Home

Slugs. We have all seen them, be it outside in our garden, inside our home, or during that traumatizing scene in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets." Horrifying things! But before you go and use an age-old trick like salt to deter slugs from your home, think twice. Not only is it inhumane, but so many natural alternatives are much more useful.


First, we must know the enemy. What is a slug and why are they around your home? Well, a slug is an animal in the mollusk family, similar to snails but typically without an external shell. Their slimy bodies help them move, maintain moisture, and eat almost anything. The reason slugs are in your home is relatively simple: to find their basic needs, which include food and shelter. For example, some slugs eat mold, algae, leftovers, and pet food. You may never catch them in the act because they are nocturnal. While these pests can be a nuisance, there are better ways to get rid of them than with a handful of salt. 

Why you shouldn't deter slugs with salt

Why not just use salt? Well, when salt comes in contact with a slug, it essentially absorbs all the water out of their bodies and slowly kills them, which could cause them a lot of discomfort. Although there is no definite proof that they can feel pain, there is also no proof that they cannot, and some suggest that they might. When salt is put on a slug, it sizzles on their bodies while they squirm and begin to excrete more mucus to try and survive. That doesn't sound pleasant, does it? Sure, you could say they are just slugs, but they play an essential role in nature. Slugs are decomposers and feed on fallen leaves, dead insects, and worms. They're pretty much nature's little caretakers.


Additionally, if it's a garden you're trying to protect, salt will also destroy that. More specifically, your soil will become ruined, and anything that comes into contact with it will suffer, including your plants. This is primarily because the salt doesn't just stay in one place, it spreads throughout the soil. Furthermore, salt hinders your plant's water uptake, stunting the plant's growth while its tissues dry out and discolor over time. Because salt leads to dehydration, it can be detrimental to your garden's health.

Natural remedies to deter slugs

Many natural remedies deter pests like slugs from invading your garden and home. For starters, you can create barriers like copper mesh. This is a widely used method when deterring slugs as it creates a small charge when they make contact with it, similar to a zap. Further, if you can find the gap where the slugs are entering your home, block it with a suitable filler. That could very well be the end of your problem. Another great option is eggshells. Just lay them down in a barrier-like fashion, and the slugs should stay away as the shells can feel sharp underneath their soft bodies. Additionally, eggshells are a healthy choice for your soil as they will decompose and nourish it.


The next best choice would be repellent plants. These can help diversify your garden and keep unwanted pests like slugs away from your home. Aromatic plants like garlic, lavender, and rosemary do a great job of keeping slugs away while also supplying fresh ingredients — that's a win-win! Lastly, slugs love to eat anything lying around, so just be sure to keep your home and garden clean.  

