Will Chewing Gum Really Banish Moles From Your Yard?

Holes and small mounds in your yard probably mean you have a mole problem. Moles create tunnels under the ground that cause damage to the root systems of grass and create weak spots in the lawn itself, leading to depressions that collect water. Removing the moles or encouraging them to move somewhere else can be a challenge. You may have heard of a home remedy involving placing gum — specifically Juicy Fruit brand — into the animal's holes. The idea is the moles will eat the gum, killing them because they cannot digest it. Although some gardeners may swear by this technique, there is no scientific data that proves it works. In reality, because moles eat grubs, worms, and other underground insects — and because Juicy Fruit gum doesn't smell or taste like any of this pest's natural food types — they simply aren't going to be curious enough about the gum to eat it.


Rather than trying to kill or remove moles with a weird home remedy, there are plenty of other options that work better for getting rid of moles from your yard. Some of these methods involve killing them. If killing them is not an option that you want to use, there are humane methods of convincing them to leave your property and go somewhere else — just hopefully not onto your neighbor's property.

Killing moles in your yard

Certainly, killing the moles is the most effective way to make sure they stop causing damage on your property and in your neighborhood, while also ensuring they don't come back in the future.

You could call a pest exterminator to use poison or a fumigant to try to kill the animals. You could also purchase mole-repellant poisons or baits in the shape of worms and grubs for sale online or in hardware stores and try to apply them yourself. However, these baits must be placed directly into the mole tunnels, which can be challenging. Additionally, the use of these poisons can be very dangerous for other animals in the area, including your pets. Children who stumble across these poisons and baits while playing also could end up becoming extremely ill. If the moles don't eat the bait, it doesn't degrade very fast, meaning it could remain dangerous to other animals and people for up to 14 days — sometimes longer, depending on the type of soil in the area.


A more effective option that you or your pest control expert can use is a spike trap. You must place the traps in the proper location to make them effective, so hiring an exterminator who knows how to deploy them can be the most effective option. Both above-ground and below-ground traps are available. Deploy them in the spring and fall for the best chances at success.

Removing moles from your lawn humanely

One of the best ways to drive moles away from your property is to make your lawn less enticing for these pests. Because moles like to eat grubs, you should apply grub control products to the lawn, killing these insects and leaving less food for them to eat. Because grubs can cause significant damage for your grass, removing them offers multiple benefits.


Another option is to create a barrier that makes it difficult for the moles to dig tunnels into your property. You can bury an underground fence using barriers made of cloth or metal. If you bury them as deep as 24 inches below the ground, you should stop the majority of moles. Once the animal hits a barrier under the ground, it typically turns around and goes in a different direction with its tunnel.

Another option is to take steps to make the ground and the property less desirable for moles. You can plant certain types of flowers that they dislike, creating a natural repellant — flowers like marigolds and daffodils seem to deliver the best results. Additionally, you can try to improve the drainage in your yard. Moles like to dig and create tunnels in softer, moist soil. This is also where the insects they like to eat appear. Drying out areas of excessive dampness can encourage them to go elsewhere.


