The Hack You Need To Stop Pets From Knocking Over Indoor Plants

We've all seen the pictures and videos — pets knocking things over is a category of internet meme all its own. But when it's your house and your things being knocked over, it can be more frustrating than it is funny. Moreover, when the toppled item in question is a houseplant, the mess caused can be downright depressing. Thankfully, there's a simple hack to keep your houseplants firmly situated where they stand, preventing your cats and dogs (but most likely, your cats!) from knocking them over. All you need is sticky putty.


Sticky putty comes in a wide variety of names like mounting putty, Fun-Tak, adhesive putty, and sticky tack, but whatever it's called, it works. These putty products are frequently used to hang or secure items around the home and workplace at a low cost without causing damage to furniture, walls, or fixtures. However, in addition to hanging items from the walls, adhesive putties can also be used to keep items from tipping over, making it a great way to cat-proof your plants.

How to stick down your plants

First, if you're going to have both plants and pets in your home, make sure the plants are pet-friendly. Some popular favorites can be toxic, so know what houseplants you should avoid. Once you know your plants are safe to have around your four-legged friends, you can start arranging them around your home as you like. And with the use of adhesive putty, you can make sure they stay put.


Simply take a small tab of the putty and place it on the bottom of your pots and planters. Using three pieces, arranged triangularly around the pot's edge, should provide a sturdy base. Place the plant on the shelf, counter, or plant stand where you want it to go and press down firmly to secure the adhesive to the surface. Wiggle the pot around a bit to make sure it doesn't give, and then you're free to let it be. The putty will stay in place and your plant will be safe from even the most mischievous feline. Best of all, the putty won't damage either the pot or your furniture, and it can be easily removed whenever you want.

Why pets knock things down

Cats are more likely to play with your houseplants than dogs, and it's easy to assume they bat things off your counters, tables, and shelves because they're aloof little stinkers or sadistic jerks. They've definitely gained that reputation over the years. And while it's entirely possible your feline friends are total airheads or Machiavellian masterminds, but that's actually not why they knock things over. Instead, your cats may be toppling your belongings for one of three reasons: they're bored, they want attention, or they're following their instincts.


Cats require stimulation, and if they don't have adequate cat-friendly activities or toys to keep them occupied, they might start coming for yours. They could also be looking for a little attention from their favorite humans, which knocking things over frequently accomplishes. If the fallen item is replaced, most cats will view this as a game that you're playing with them. Of course, plants aren't appropriate cat (or dog) toys, so to keep them upright, your best option may be to stick them down.

